By Hilary D. Brewster
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There were failures, but there were also many successes. It was a zany era of progress and confusion, a hodgepodge of inexplicable quantum rules and classical dynamics. It flourished for about a dozen years, the interval between Bohr's 1913 papers and the birth of modem quantum theory. " The modem theory began along two seemingly unrelated lines, one opened up by Heisenberg, the other independently by Schroedinger. The pace was breathtaking. The first steps were taken by Heisenberg on a holiday in the spring of 1925.
OTHE~iTYPES OF MAGNETISM There are various other types of magnetism, such as and spin glass, superparamagnetism, superdiamagnetism, and metamagnetism. COMMON USES OF MAGNETS Hard disks record data on a thin magnetic coating. • • • • Magnetic recording media: VHS tapes contain a reel of magnetic tape. The information that makes up the video and sound is encoded on the magnetic coating on the tape. Common audio cassettes also rely on magnetic tape. Similarly, in computers, floppy disks and hard disks record data on a thin 'llagnetic coating.
The modem interpretation was supplied soon enough, however, beginning with a remark made by Born in a 1926 paper on the quantum theory of scattering. This was swiftly elaborated. • 1 1 1 1 1 ,, ,, , • • ,• 1 1 1 1 J , , ,• • • 1 111 1 • 1 11 1 1 • 1 11 1 1 .. ,, • • • ,,, • • Fig. A Nonsinusoidal Wave. Above all others, it was Niels Bohr who presided over development of the general interpretative principles of quantum mechanics. What emerged was the picture of a probabilistic structure of nature and hence a sharp break with intuitive notions of reality.