By Michiel Hazewinkel
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Russell, M. , and Mestecky, J. (1982). Hepatobiliary transport of IgA immune complexes: molecular and cellular aspects. J. Immunol. 128, 2183-2186. Brown, W. , Newcomb, R. , and Ishizaka, K. (1970). Proteolytic degradation of exocrine and serum immunoglobulins. J. Clin. Invest. 49, 1374-1380. Brown, W. , and Tada, T. (1972a). Clinical, microbiological and immunological studies in patients with immunoglobulin deficiencies and gastrointestinal disorders. Gut 13, 441-449. Brown, W. , Savage, D. C , Dubois, R.
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Endocytosis and Transcellular Transport of Secretory Component-Immunoglobulin Complexes It is well established that the SC-mediated transport of IgA across epithelial cells or hepatocytes occurs via intracellular transport vesicles (Nagura et al, 1979a; Renston et al, 1980; Takahashi et al, 1982). The transport is specific for polymeric Ig and is initiated by the binding of HRS AFTER INJECTION A in BILE %dose recovered Fig. 8. Radioactivity in blood and bile of rats after the iv injection of 125I-labeled human IgA.