By Craig S. Tucker, John A. Hargreaves
Released in Cooperation with the U.S. AQUACULTURE SOCIETY
The fast development of aquaculture around the world and locally has brought on issues over social and environmental affects. Environmental advocacy teams and govt regulatory businesses have referred to as for higher administration to deal with in all likelihood unfavorable affects and guarantee sustainable aquaculture improvement. top administration Practices (BMPs) mix sound technological know-how, good judgment, economics, and site-specific administration to mitigate or hinder hostile environmental affects.
Environmental most sensible administration Practices for Aquaculture will offer technical suggestions to enhance the environmental functionality of aquaculture. This booklet stands out as the in basic terms complete consultant to BMPs for mitigation of environmental affects of aquaculture within the usa. The ebook addresses improvement and implementation of BMPs, BMPs for particular aquaculture creation platforms, and the economics of enforcing top administration practices. Written by way of the world over well-known specialists in environmental administration and aquaculture from academia, executive, and non-governmental companies, this publication can be a worthy reference for leading edge manufacturers, coverage makers, regulators, examine scientists, and scholars.
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Ultimately it will be economically and socially imperative to improve the energy efficiency of all aspects of the food-supply chain. However, it is possible that greater overall gains in energy savings can be made by improving the efficiencies of processing, transport, retailing, and even household storage and preparation than can be made by improving energy efficiency in the production sector. This may have particular relevance to aquaculture, where important products are produced only in certain regions (marine shrimp in the tropics; salmon in the north-temperate) and are stored and shipped long distances for consumption.
Water used for water exchange is pumped from bays or estuaries and discharged back into the same water body, so only water lost to evaporation and seepage is used consumptively. More important than water use alone, however, water exchange generates large volumes of waste, increases the risk of pathogen transfer to and from the outside environment, and increases production costs associated with pumping. 3 in Chapter 7). Total water use in channel catfish farming (as an example of pond aquaculture in general) varies greatly depending on water source and phase of culture (see Chapter 6).
5). Extensive land use is the result of the pond functioning as both an animal confinement area as well as a waste treatment facility. For example, more than 95% of the total area of a catfish pond functionally acts as a photosynthetic waste-treatment lagoon and less than 5% of the total area serves as a “fish-holding” area (Brune et al. 2003). In effect, more than 95% of the Fig. 5. Pond aquaculture requires considerable land area because support functions such as waste treatment and, in some systems, food production are inherent in the ecosystem rather than being appropriated from ecosystems outside the culture system.