By John Uri Lloyd, J. Augustus Knapp
Infrequent scanned reprint of the Publisher's version of this strange booklet. the adventure is to the interior earth, it is hole, it truly is inhabited, it really is strange, it truly is hell, and it is a digital wonderworld. in case you by no means learn Etidorpha, tis a narrative particularly like no different. Publisher's version has the tale in right series. this can be the eleventh publisher's variation published in 1901. TGS has conscientiously scanned the booklet and set to a bigger structure with better print. This 1901 variation was once revised and enlarged over the former writer variations.
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Some of men had written scientific treatises of a very difTerent character from those circulating among the members these of our brotherhood, and to their materialistic readers it would seem scarcely possible that the authors could be tainted with hallucinations of any description, while were seemingly beyond occult temptation. The larger number, it was evident, hoped by studies of the works of the alchemists to find the key to the alkahest of Van Helmont. that is, to discover the Philosopher's Stone, or the Elixir of Life, and from their others, conspicuous leaders in the church, consciousness of against confinement to the narrow bounds of materialistic science, within which they were forced to appear as dogmatic pessimists.
But here w^as tangible evidence to the contrary, an assurance that my mysterious visitor was not a fancy or a dream, and his parting w^ords, "I shall see you again," recurred to me with singular effect. " little coil, folded it I wound the delicate filament into a and con- carefully in a bit of paper, signed it to a corner in my pocket-book, though not without some misgiving that it, too, might disappear as did the knife. The strange experience of that night had a good effect on me I became more regular in all my habits, took abundant sleep and exercise, was more methodical in my modes ; of study and reasoning, and in a short time vastly improved in every way, mentally The days went and found myself physically.
Silence followed these vague disclosures, and the carriage rolled on. I was mystified and alarmed, and yet I knew that, whatever might be the end of this nocturnal and I steeled myride, I had invited it yes, deserved it self to hear the sentence of my judges, in whose hands The persons on the seat opposite me I was powerless. continued their conversation in low tones, audible only to themselves. An individual by my side neither moved nor spoke. There were four of us in the carriage, as I learned intuitively, although we were surrounded by utter darkness.