By Mary Ling; Jerry Young; Margot Wilhelmi
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Txc4+ 2 1 . a5 ± Onischuk-Meier, Lubbock 2 0 1 0 . 7. ' 8 8 tt:lf6xe4 d5xe4 tt:ld 7-f6 tt:lf6xe4 �c8-b7 A classical situation: the c6-pawn is pinned, and Black cannot play the freeing move . . c6-c5 . Of course, White will do his utmost to ensure that the bishop on b7 stays in its prison. 1 5. �f1 -e1 1 6. �a 1 -d 1 1 7. t � • ' ' � ''' . 1. :us-ea A) If 9 . . b6 the typical blow 1 0 . e4! simply kills all Black's ideas. For example, 1 O . . tt:Jxe4;\;. We have already discussed a similar position, and this is an even better version for White; B) 9 .
24. d8xd4 �a6xf1 �f1 -a6 Tkachiev-Yakovenko , Dresden 2 0 0 7 . White has a solid extra pawn and full control of the open d-file; his advantage is not in doubt. D 2 24 2 2 ) 1 1 . .. i • j_ j. j. j. j. s �� White has secure control of the light squares on the kingside, and so can boldly offer the exchange of light squared bishops. In addition, note that by pushing his pawn to h S , White fixes the 64 This move is not very popular - not an accident, in my view. 1 2. tLlc3 ! ttJhS ( 1 2 . . 'li" b 7 1 3 .
LLlfxd 2 ! I:!. lLla3±. White regains the pawn and in so doing, breaks up the black pawn structure on the queenside. 8. e2-e3 :i :i i. 'iV � i i i i i � ·� If you are afraid of the capture on c4, then in general, you are better off not playing the Catalan! 8 1 ) 6 ... dxc4 82) 6 ... 0-0 After 6 . . cxdS exdS 8 . 0-0 0-0 9 . �g 5 ! White reaches a very favourable 36 9 . 0-0 The transfer of the knight to the queenside by 8 . . tubd2;l; . Nor can we recommend t o Black 8 . . l::!. a4 �a6 1 1 J ld 1 !