By Pomeroy, R. S., Rivera-Guieb, R. (Eds.)
This guide describes the method of community-based fishery co-management from its starting, via implementation, to turnover to the group. It presents principles, tools, options, actions, checklists, examples, questions and signs for the making plans and implementation of a technique of community-based co-management. It makes a speciality of small-scale fisheries (freshwater, floodplain, estuarine or marine) in constructing international locations, yet can be correct to small-scale fisheries in constructed international locations and to the administration of different coastal assets (such as coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass and wetlands). This instruction manual is meant for source managers, practitioners, lecturers and scholars of small-scale fisheries. The ebook has 14 chapters and a subject matter index. to be had In Print
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8. CBM and Co-management The above definitions of community-based resource management show that while there are many similarities and differences between co-management and CBM, there are differences in the focus of each strategy. These differences centre on the level and timing of government participation in the process. CBM is people-centred and community-focused, while co-management focuses on these issues plus on a partnership arrangement between government and the local community of resource users.
A Process of Community-based Co-management The implementation of community-based co-management can be viewed as having three phases: ‘beginning’ or pre-implementation, implementation and ‘turnover’ or post-implementation (Fig. 1). 1). The co-management process is dynamic 24 Chapter 3 Pre-implementation phase Problem recognition Community meetings Community seeks assistance Preliminary project plan and strategy Discussion with government, NGOs, donors Implementation phase Consensus building Seek funding Plan of action Development of institutional link-ups Community entry and integration Ongoing building of linkages between government, community, NGOs, stakeholders Open discussion Participatory research REA SEA LIA Community meetings Identification of key stakeholders and groups Problems, needs, opportunities assessment Awareness raising Preliminary community profile Community organizations Environmental education, capacity development, and social communication Indicators of success Leadership development Co-management objectives, strategy and plan Role clarification Conflict management Identify potential leaders Form core groups Co-management agreement Plan and strategy implementation Post-implementation phase Resource management Evaluation and monitoring plan Evaluation Replication and extension Project phase-out Community Co-management and economic organization development Livelihood programme Fig.
2. Doing It In the next sections of this handbook, much more detail will be provided on the phases, components and activities described above. Who are You and What is Your Role in Community-based Co-management? R. Pomeroy. 1. Stakeholders Stakeholders in community-based co-management can be defined as individuals, groups or organizations of people who are interested, involved or affected (positively or negatively) by marine and coastal resources use and management. This may originate from geographical proximity, historical association, dependence for livelihood, institutional mandate, economic interest, or a variety of other concerns.