By Marco Saroglia, Zhanjiang (John) Liu
Genomics has revolutionized organic study over the process the final 20 years. Genome maps of key agricultural species have provided elevated knowing of the constitution, association, and evolution of animal genomes. development upon this beginning, researchers at the moment are emphasizing examine on genome functionality. released with the World Aquaculture Society, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture looks on the advances during this box as they without delay relate to key characteristics and species in aquaculture production.
Functional Genomics in Aquaculture opens with chapters that offer an invaluable normal creation to the sector of sensible genomics. the second one element of the publication specializes in key construction features corresponding to development, improvement, copy, meals, and physiological reaction to emphasize and illnesses. the ultimate 5 chapters specialise in numerous key aquaculture species. Examples our figuring out of the useful genomes of salmonids, Mediterranean sea bass, Atlantic cod, catfish, shrimp, and molluscs, are incorporated within the book.
Providing necessary insights and discoveries into the practical genomes of finfish and shellfish species, Functional Genomics in Aquaculture, should be a useful source to researchers and pros in aquaculture, genetics, and animal science.
Chapter 1 practical Genomics study in Aquaculture: rules and basic techniques (pages 1–40): Shikai Liu, Yu Zhang, Fanyue sunlight, Yanliang Jiang, Ruijia Wang, Chao Li, Jiaren Zhang and Zhanjiang (john) Liu
Chapter 2 Genomic assets for useful Genomics in Aquaculture Species (pages 41–77): Jiaren Zhang, Yanliang Jiang, Fanyue sunlight, Yu Zhang, Ruijia Wang, Chao Li, Shikai Liu and Zhanjiang (john) Liu
Chapter three construction, progress, and Insulin?Like development Factor?I (IGF?I) Gene Expression as an immediate progress Indicator in Nile Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus (pages 79–89): Christopher L. Brown, Emmanuel M. vera Cruz, Remedios B. Bolivar and Russell J. Borski
Chapter four Gene Expression development in the course of eu Sea Bass Larvae improvement: impression of nutritional supplementations (pages 91–111): David Mazurais, Maria Darias, Ignacio Fernandez, Chantal Cahu, Enric Gisbert and Jose?Luis Zambonino?Infante
Chapter five Transcriptomics of the Compensatory progress in ecu Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax (pages 113–128): Genciana Terova, Samuela Cora, Tiziano Verri, Rosalba Gornati, Giovanni Bernardini and Marco Saroglia
Chapter 6 sensible Genomic research of the dietary and Hormonal law of Fish Glucose and Lipid Metabolism (pages 129–145): Sandrine Skiba?Cassy, Sergio Polakof, Iban Seilez and Stephane Panserat
Chapter 7 Genomic Responses to emphasize demanding situations in Fish (pages 147–168): Lluis Tort and Mariana Teles
Chapter eight sensible Genomic research of intercourse decision and Differentiation in Teleost Fish (pages 169–204): Francesc Piferrer, Paulino Martenez, Laia Ribas, Ana Vi?nas and Noelia Diaz
Chapter nine sensible Genomics of rigidity: Molecular Biomarkers for comparing Fish CNS task (pages 205–218): Chiara Tognoli, Rosalba Gornati, Marco Saroglia, Genciana Terova and Giovanni Bernardini
Chapter 10 The SoLute service (SLC) relations sequence in Teleost Fish (pages 219–320): Tiziano Verri, Genciana Terova, Alessandro Romano, Amilcare Barca, Paola Pisani, Carlo Storelli and Marco Saroglia
Chapter eleven Next?Generation Sequencing and practical Genomic research in Rainbow Trout (pages 321–337): Mohamed Salem
Chapter 12 sensible Genomics learn of Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua (pages 339–348): Matthew L. Rise
Chapter thirteen Catfish sensible Genomics: development and views (pages 349–360): Eric Peatman
Chapter 14 sensible Genomics in Shrimp affliction regulate (pages 361–375): Arun okay. Dhar and Refugio Robles?Sikisaka
Chapter 15 purposes of useful Genomics in Molluscs Aquaculture (pages 377–395): A. Figueras, M. M. Costa and B. Novoa
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Example text
Gene expression profiling is the measurement of expression levels for thousands of genes to paint a general global picture of gene expression under a specific developmental stage, environmental condition, or treatment. In practice, gene expression profiling experiments often involve measuring the relative amount of mRNA expressed in two or more experimental conditions (“treatment”). The correlation of “treatment” and gene expression profile could provide inference on gene functions. Various technologies have been developed to quantify gene expression, including hybridization-based and sequence-based approaches.
2009). Despite successes in other species, eQTL studies have not been conducted with aquaculture species due largely to the lack of technology in the past. However, it is important to point out that eQTL studies can be very expensive, and therefore, may not be suited well for aquaculture species. , 2007). First, only one or a few tissues and time points are monitored in an individual, which provides a limited snapshot of the complete transcriptome. , 2007). Second, how to properly analyze the data can be a significant challenge (Gibson and Weir, 2005).
2011). , 2009). , 2010). , 2011). , 2011). Xiang et al. , 2010). , 2011). RNA-Seq has been extensively used for the identification of gene-associated markers. , 2011). , 2010). Comparisons of Gene Expression Profiling Techniques Hybridization-based approaches represented by microarrays are currently most popular for gene expression profiling and are readily affordable for many laboratories. , Affymetrix, Agilent, and NimbleGen). Microarray approaches are high throughput and relatively inexpensive.