By Thomas B. Lawson
Aquaculture is the technological know-how and know-how of balanced help from the organic and engi generating aquatic crops and animals. it isn't neering sciences. notwithstanding, advertisement aqua new, yet has been practiced in yes jap tradition has turn into so advanced that, in an effort to cultures for over 2,000 years. besides the fact that, the function be triumphant, one should also draw upon the ex of aquaculture in assisting to satisfy the world's pertise of biologists, engineers, chemists, econ meals shortages has turn into extra lately ap omists, meals technologists, advertising specified guardian. ists, legal professionals, and others. The multidisciplinary The oceans of the area have been as soon as consid method of aquaculture construction grew to become ap ered resources of an enormous foodstuff offer. Bio father or mother in the course of the early Nineties. it truly is believed that logical stories point out that the utmost sus this pattern will proceed as aquaculture produc tainable yield of marine species during the tion turns into increasingly more in depth to ensure that the manufacturer to squeeze as a lot product as harvest of untamed inventory is a hundred million MT (metric plenty) in step with 12 months. experiences additionally point out that we're attainable out of a given parcel of land. speedily coming near near the utmost sustainable even if many aquaculture books exist, few yield of the world's oceans and significant freshwa discover the engineering features of aquaculture ter our bodies. in keeping with capita intake of fishery production.
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Toxic effects of CO 2 for trout are about 9-10 mg/L (Petit 1990). The upper tolerance limits for invertebrates are unknown. Jaspers (1969) reported CO 2 concentrations of 24-372 mg/L in crawfish burrows, but concentrations in open pond waters averaged less than 6 mg/L. Groundwater and water in the hypolimnion of fish ponds at times contains high concentrations of CO2 , It can be removed by vigorous mixing and aeration. The concentration of CO 2 in fish ponds is highly variable since it is involved in the metabolism of plants and animals.
The land slope should be suitable, since too steep a slope will require more excavation and higher facility construction costs. K6vari (1984) Figure 3-1. Open culture fish farm sheltered from high winds and waves. PREVAILING WINDS FLOATING CAGES 41 42 Site Selection for Aquaculture recommends a land slope no greater than 2%. Flat land or land sloping less than I % is ideal. On land containing depressions or ravines, it may be necessary to haul in soil for filling and smoothing. Both the removal and addition of soil increases facility construction costs.
Portable, hand-held DO meters are available that are lightweight and rugged for field use. Their cost ranges from under $250 to over $2,600. The less expensive meters are not as reliable and may not have as long a life span as the more expensive ones. The aquaculturist must decide for himself if the added initial capital investment offsets the potential longer period of use. Hydrogen Sulfide Prevention is through vigorous aeration and circulation to eliminate anaerobic zones. Once formed, H2 S can be removed by oxidation with potassium permanganate or by dilution with water exchange.