By John B. Anderson, Bruce F. Molnia(auth.)
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Published through the yank Geophysical Union as a part of the Short classes in Geology Series.
Glacial-marine sedimentation is without doubt one of the extra complicated and least identified facets of sedimentation. a substantial quantity of literature, in spite of the fact that, does exist at the topic, in particular describing historical glacial-marine deposits [e.g., Anderson, 1983; Andrews and fit, 1983; Molnia, 1983]. those historical glacial-marine deposits are frequent, either in time and area, and are of substantial paleogeographic value. unusually and regrettably, lots of those glossy characterizations of old glacial-marine environments are in accordance with a truly limited realizing of the complexities of the modem glacial and glacial-marine environments.
Chapter 1 Definitions and Controlling components of Glacial?Marine (pages 3–4): Bruce F. Molnia
Chapter 2 historic Glacial?Marine Deposits (pages 5–9): John B. Anderson
Chapter three Antarctica's Glacial environment (pages 11–57): John B. Anderson
Chapter four Subarctic (Temperate) Glacial?Marine Sedimentation the Northeast Gulf of Alaska (pages 59–106):
Chapter five comparability of Glacial?Marine Depositional Environments of Polar Antarctica and the Temperate Gulf of Alaska (pages 107–109): Bruce F. Molnia
Chapter 6 Descriptions of Glacial?Marine Sedimentation within the japanese North Atlantic Ocean (pages 111–116):
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111-34). We have acquired seismic lines along the margins of many glacial troughs and over thousands of kilometers of the Ross Sea and Bellingshausen continental shelves, and have yet to see a morainal ridge similar to the one near the Drygalski Basin. To my knowledge, the only other reports of such features are from the eastern Weddell Sea [Elverhoi and Maisey, 19831 and from Mertz Bank off the George V Coast [Barnes, 19871. Another important observation from the Antarctic shelf, which has bearing on interpretations of ancient sequences, is that glacial-marine sediments may directly rest on glaciallyeroded surfaces.
Dots show sample locations. Fig. 111-24. A 12 kHz profile across the George V continental shelf showing laminated siliceous sediments which thicken in an onshore direction (A is landward and C is seaward). Pleistocene basal tills. , 19851. Elsewhere, the volume of silts and clays on the shelf and slope is so great, relative to basal tills, that other sources must exist. Anderson et al. [I9841 have suggested that these fine-grained temgenous sediments may be coming from subglacial meltwater streams emanating from beneath the ice sheets and ice shelves.
11116), more diverse suite of ice-rafted minerals and pebble lithologies, and greater and more diverse fossil content (diatoms may comprise a significant portion of the sediment). Pebble shapes imply predominantly basal transport (Fig. 11120). This suggests that these deposits are derived from icebergs calved from ice tongues and ice shelves, as opposed to small tidewater glaciers which produce more angular pebbles (Fig. 111-20). he other major group of glacial-marine sediments, residual glacial-marine sediments, consists almost entirely of coarse icerafted debris and bioclastic material, including fragments of bryozoa, mollusks, echinoderms, corals, and foraminifers.