By Jack Fishman
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THE CONCEPT OF GLOBAL CHANGE 29 cycle of plants. In other words, scientists hypothesized that CO2 in the atmQsphere decreases during the growing season when plants absorb CO2, and increases during the winter months because of the decay of leaves and other dead material such as bark, ground cover, and other organic materials. Another alternative explanation, which proved consistent with the seasonal changes, has to do with the increase of deforestation, the cutting down of vast tracts of virgin forests, in the tropical regions.
Soret was dedicated. The measurements continued for 34 years, and to this day the "Paris studies," as they are called, represent a reference with which to compare later ozone studies. Using the Paris studies as a base, scientists feel it is safe to say that background levels of ozone in the Northern Hemisphere today are 100 to 200 percent higher than they were 100 years ago. Most of the increase has occurred since World War II, when industrialization spread and the number of automobiles worldwide increased.
The measurements continued for 34 years, and to this day the "Paris studies," as they are called, represent a reference with which to compare later ozone studies. Using the Paris studies as a base, scientists feel it is safe to say that background levels of ozone in the Northern Hemisphere today are 100 to 200 percent higher than they were 100 years ago. Most of the increase has occurred since World War II, when industrialization spread and the number of automobiles worldwide increased. Since 1970, background ozone levels have been rising 1 to 2 percent per year, and the trend continues.