By Andy Soltis, Rob Long
Utilizing a Socratic teacher-student process within the characters of GM Noah Tall and Pat Sayre, Soltis facilities his reviews round the matters of: a number of the items, strategies, plans, mismatches, ideas, and the way to get started—all handled from a chess grandmaster's standpoint. Profuse illustrations and video games enable each person to understand the strategies speedier, so that you will enhance in a shorter period of time. Charts, photos, and annotated examples in algebraic notation will upload for your studying excitement
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2. Wh3! £txe5 �xe5 �h4 �d5 �xh5 wc4 • . • Resigns It's obvious after 7... Wxb4 8. wg6 a5 9. h5 a4 10. h6 �{ 1 1. h7. £txe5?? Black may have assumed 2. � xe5t � xe5 3. �xe5 Wxe5 4. Wg3 Wf5 5. Wh4 Wg6 draws. Or he mayjust have miscounted what happens here now. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. h4 When In Doubt, Don't promote the h- i . Total: 8 Pat: That's perfect for me. " hard. By the same count, you can Noah: Yes, good players mess see it also takes Black 8 moves to queen-but White moves them up, too-even when the position is largely a matter of first.
A basic rule of thumb "Fight the enemy IS: When you're up the Exchange you want to trade a pair of :§ s. That's because a trade mag nifies the mismatch between the remaining � v. piece. Pat: It's weird that White can 30 with the weapons he lacks. " -Field Marshall Aleksandr Suvorov of the Russian Imperial Army Hmelnicky-Romanishin Herson 1989 White to play 1. � hh 1! lflg5 Or 1... b6 2. axb6 � xb6 3. � hb l � c6 4. � b8 and the a- i falls. 2. �hbl Wf4 No better is 2 . . � xb I 3. � xb l Wf4 4.
46 4. � t3 ! 5. �xt3 �xt3 White won after S... weS 6. We3 gS 7. 1t c2 h6 8. 1t e4! �a5 (else the a- t advances) 9. Wd3 hS 10. 1tg2! (pass) Wd6 11. ",d4 etc. Kindermann-MueUer Bundesliga 199 1 Black to play 1. • • • 4Je7? Black can afford to give up a t in order to obtain counterplay with 1... g6 2. , threatening 3 ... �f4t. Mter 3. 1txd5 exd5 Black, with his own passed t , has excellent drawing chances. 2. � b6 � c6?! He should keeps a s on the board with 2 . �c6 and possibly . . �d4. 3. � xc6 4Jxc6 Chapter Three Pat: What's that?