By Daniel cohen
Examines a number of the common renowned theories a couple of number of conspiracies and discusses the folks who advertise those theories and the folks who think in them.
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Still, I can vividly remember the tremendous feeling of exhilaration of those early days. There was a small band of us who believed—no, we KNEW—an astonishing truth that the rest of the world was too blind to see. It made us feel very special, and it was a faith that was painful to give up. From personal experience I can say that the attraction of bizarre, even completely crazy, theories can be astonishingly powerful. " I did and I like to think that I'm sane. If an ordinary teen living in Chicago could know the truth about UFOs, then certainly the government with all its ability to monitor the skies should know it too.
Moving from Little Rock to Washington apparently put him under pressures that he was unable to handle. " There is a common myth that every suicide leaves a note. This is not true. Some suicides leave a note, and some do not. Foster left no note. But a few days after his death, tron-up pieces of a note were found in his briefcase. It wasn't really a suicide note, but a sort of personal defense and complaint that he had written a little over a week before he died. In it he expressed his belief that no one in the White House had violated any laws.
But Kovaleski wrote, "Conspiracy theories about the Oklahoma City bombing have been flooding the Internet, fax machines, talk radio and militia meetings around the country, spun by deeply distrustful minds that cast a broad net of blame. . "3 These theories generally blame the federal government itself for the bombing and say that the two men charged are either innocent scapegoats or government-controlled "zombies" who were set up in order to discredit the militia movement and other patriotic right-wing organizations.