By Sara Mortimore, Carol Wallace (auth.)
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The controls required are effective thermal processing, segregation of raw and cooked materials, chilled storage of cooked meat before consumption, and adequate reheating and hot storage before consumption. e. they need oxygen to grow. Bacillus cereus also produces two types of toxins; a very fast acting emetic toxin, causing vomiting and a diarrhoeal toxin. It is widely distributed and commonly found in soil, vegetation and raw milk. Food poisoning is frequently associated with cooked rice and other 38 Hazards and how they can be controlled starchy products, where the spores have not been inactivated by the initial heat process and have subsequently been allowed to germinate and grow due to inadequate handling and poor temperature control.
Perfringens is quite different. Food poisoning due to this organism is usually associated with undercooked and/or inadequately reheated meats and sauces, particularly in catering operations. The organism grows to large numbers in the food and produces its toxin during spore formation in the intestine after consumption. The toxin causes diarrhoea and nausea but is not normally fatal. The controls required are effective thermal processing, segregation of raw and cooked materials, chilled storage of cooked meat before consumption, and adequate reheating and hot storage before consumption.
The mycotoxins of concern in food production are aflatoxins, patulin, ergot and tricothecenes, and may be consumed by humans via two routes. g. g. milk and turkey meat. Aflatoxins are the most important group of food-borne mycotoxins, and are normally controlled through legislation in various foodstuffs. These mycotoxins are produced by Aspergillus flavus and other moulds growing on foodstuffs. There are six aflatoxins of 41 An introduction to hazards concern, four of which (BI, B2, GI and G2), occur in various foods and two of which (MI and M2) are metabolites found in the milk of lactating animals which have eaten aflatoxin contaminated feed.