By Diana Wynne Jones
Unusual issues start to take place at Hexwood Farm as Ann Staveley watches individual after individual vanish into the outdated farmhouse and not reappear, but if she investigates, she discovers that the strangeness is spreading. by way of the writer of Witch Week.
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Now you look. ” She took hold of the thick wool of his sleeve and turned himto face the parking bay across the street. “That car. Thebig gray one. You came here in that car. ” Mordion looked at the car with polite interest, but not as if it meant anything to him. “If you say so,” he agreed. ” At least, Ann thought, he didn’t seem to believe he’d been asleep for centuries any longer. They were making progress. ” she demanded. “No. I know I’ve got no family,” Mordion said. His smile faded out, and he turned and picked up his green sack.
Hume really was obsessed with dragons. ” “I shall bang their heads on a stone, then, like Mordion does with the fish,” Hume said. Then he let go of Ann and ran ahead through the trees, shouting, “Here’s the place! Hurry up, Ann! ” When Ann caught him up, Hume was forcing his way through a giant thicket of those whippy bushes that fruit squishy white balls in summer. Snowball bushes, Ann always called them. They were almost bare now, except for a few green tips. She could clearly see the stones of an old wall beyond them.
She thought. Behaving as if they were real! But I can tell them later when I come out. So— Using forearms and elbows as well as fists, she heaved away more briers until she could stamp them down underfoot. Words came into view, small and blue and tasteful, rayner hexwood international and, in smaller letters, maintenance division (europe). ” Ann said. Yet for some reason, the sight of that name made her feel cold. Cold, small, and frightened. ” she said. “Ann! ” Hume screamed from round the house somewhere.