By E.F.K. Koerner, Hans-Josef Niederehe
The contributions during this quantity, a sequel to the amount released in 1986 (SiHoLS 34), deal with many points of the historical past of the language sciences in Spain and in Iberoamerica, from the Renaissance and ‘Siglo de Oro’ to the twentieth century. so much papers have been released within the magazine Historiographia Linguistica; they have been complemented with a number of invited papers.
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Example text
4 As is well known, he came from a town in westem Andalusia called Lebrija, which at that time had been part of Castile for over a century. As a student, he went to the University of Sala manca, where he was awarded a scholarship to study theology at the Spanish College, the College of San Clemente, in Bologna. He arrived in Italy at a time when Renaissance humanists were overhauling the grammatical curriculum. While in Italy, he came under the influence of these new ideas. After some years, he returned to Salamanca and within a decade wrote a Latin grammar, the Introductiones Latinae, which was published by a Salamanca printer in 1481.
La primera es un diccionario bilingtie con extranas, aunque justificables, inserciones de lemas monolingües. La edicion de 1512 se ajusta a criterios mixtos, junto a entradas bilingties, la mayoría, hay un porcentaje relativamente alto de entradas monolingties. Reciben un tratamiento monolingtie dos tipos de lemas: terminos del metalenguaje gramatical, y sustantivos y adjetivos griegos. 1) En los casos de metalenguaje gramatical, la definition en latin se había aplicado ya en 1492, pero parcialmente.
By Ricardo Escavy et al. 1, 59-84. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. Percival, W. Keith. 1994b. "Nebrija and the Medieval Grammatical Tradition". Antonio de Nebrija: Edad media y renacimiento ed. by Carmen Codoner & Juan Antonio Gonzalez Iglesias, 247-257. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Quilis, Antonio, ed. 1989. Antonio de Nebrija: Gramatica de la lengua castel lana. Madrid: Editorial Centro de Estudios Ram6n Areces. Reichling, Dietrich, ed. 1893. Das Doctrinale des Alexander de Villa-Dei.