By Kingsley Bolton
The dominant view of many linguists and educators has been that Hong Kong English is various the language that's derived from, and depending on, the metropolitan norm of British English.
content material: The sociolinguistics of Hong Kong and the gap for Hong Kong English / Kingsley Bolton --
The discourse and attitudes of English language lecturers in Hong Kong / Amy B.M. Tsui and David Bunton --
Cantonese-English code-switching learn in Hong Kong : a survey of contemporary study / David C.S. Li --
The English-language media in Hong Kong / Chan Yuen-ying --
in the direction of a phonology of Hong Kong English / Tony T.N. Hung --
Relative clauses in Hong Kong English / Nikolas Gisborne --
Hong Kong phrases : version and context / Phil Benson --
Hong Kong writing and writing Hong Kong / Louise Ho --
Defining Hong Kong poetry in English : a solution from linguistics / Agnes Lam --
Writing among chinese language and English / Leung Ping-kwan --
From Yinglish to sado-mastication / Nury Vittachi --
Writing the literature of non-denial / Xu Xi --
Analysing Hong Kong English : pattern texts from the foreign Corpus of English / Kingsley Bolton and Gerald Nelson --
Cultural mind's eye and English in Hong Kong / Shirley Geok-lin Lim --
learning Hong Kong English : bibliographical assets / Kingsley Bolton --
Futures for Hong Kong English / Kingsley Bolton and Shirley Geok-lin Lim.
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HKU/7174/00H). 2. Th e writer o f this poem i s Justin H o Ching , who wrote it while a Primary 5 studen t at S t Paul' s Co-educationa l Primar y School . References Bacon-Shone, John an d Bolton , Kingsle y (1998 ) Chartin g multilingualism : Languag e censuses and languag e surveys in Hong Kong. In Language in Hong Kong at Century s End. Edite d b y Martha C . Pennington. Hon g Kong : Hong Kon g Universit y Press , pp. 43-90 . Bolton, Kingsley (2000 ) Languag e and hybridisation : Pidgin tale s from th e Chin a coast .