By Raymond J. Toliver, Trevor J. Constable
Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe
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A case in point may be cited from 22 March 1943, when First Lieutenant Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, later to become the top-scoring night fighter ace of the war with 121 victories, claimed a victory over an RAF Lancaster. Captain Wilhelm Herget, later Major Herget and credited with fiftyseven night kills and fifteen day kills by war's end, claimed the same Lancaster. Both er. General pilots had shot at the same bombthe two aces to draw lots Kammhuber ordered and Herget was the winner. Under the USAAF system by contrast, it was possible for a fighter pilot to become an ace without ever scoring a clear victory of his own.
HORBIDO! 22 depth of the Russian defense and the early, severe and sudden winter of 1941 laid the basis for German/s defeat The German failure in Russia was not a failure of its fighter force. in The Russian struggle again bared the primary deficiency German air power, an element without which Germany could not prevail against a geographically large or remote country—the strategic bomber. In 1941 the Luftwaffe again desperately needed its four-engined "Ural Bomber"— the project killed in 1937—to throttle Soviet industrial potential.
In the Russian fighter pilots the German veterans of PoLow Countries, and the Battle of Britain found a land, the far easier home prey than the valiant British, who had so often with holes in their aircraft sent and gaps them in their were no and habile Germans. Soviet air- ranks. In these early air battles the Soviet pilots match for the experienced craft of all types were shot down in droves. Kill totals on the Eastern Front rose more rapidly than at any other time in the history of aerial warfare.