By Arnold Rose
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141-149. 22. Newcomb, Theodore. Dryden Psychology. Social Robert F. Bales, and and Interaction Process. Glencoe, 23. Parsons, Talcott, tion 24. Sarbin, New York: The Press, 1950. Theodore R. "Role Theory," others. nily, Socializa- The Free Press, 1955. ). Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol. I. , 1954, pp. 223-258. \/25. Turner, Ralph H. "Role Taking, Role Standpoint, and Reference Group Behavior," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 61 (Jan- uary 1956), pp. 316-328. \^6. Videbeck, Richard. "Dynamic Properties of the Concept Role," Midwest Sociologist, Vol.
Unintentional on the . basis of a role designation. The administra- which necessarily help some and hurt others. But the hurt done to some is defined as inadvertent insofar as the role is viewed as that of the impartial or tor, for example, must make responsible administrator. decisions The individual who plays a nurturant, comfort-giving role necessarily establishes a relationship in which he is superordinated to the comfort-receiver, but the superordination is inadvertent. Since the role definition itself directs per- ception selectively, the superordination or the administrative harm may not be noticed by the actor or by relevant others.
By Charles W. University of Chicago Press, 1935. "18. Merton, Robert K. "Role Set: Problems in Sociological Theory," British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 8 (June 1957), pp. 106-120. V19. Miyamoto, S. Interactionist Frank, and Sanford M. Dornbusch. "A Test of Hypotheses of Self-Conception," Ainerican Journal of Sociology, Vol. 61 20. v2l. (March 1956), pp. 399-403. Moreno, Jacob. Who Shall Survive? : Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph, No. 58, 1934. , and James W. 39 Hughes. "The Problem of the Theory for Social Psychology Concept of Role: A Resurvey of the Literature," Social Forces, Vol.