By R. Wolf, U. Hopp (auth.), H. H. Voigt (eds.)
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Ge:Ga-BIBS are under development for h < 160 pm [88W]. Thermal detectors: see LB Vi/2a, p. 43. 8. 5 pm range. The detector chip is usually bonded by indium balls to a Si readout chip. p. 47 its pixel size, wavelength coverage, cooling requirement, flat fielding requirement, quantum efficiency, readout noise and background flux; guidance for the popular HgCdTe, PtSi, InSb array is given in [92F2]. Si:Ga arrays with 58 x 62 pixels cover the range 5.. +18 pm [92Gl]. Si:As arrays with 20 x 64 pixels operate in the 2.
P. 47 its pixel size, wavelength coverage, cooling requirement, flat fielding requirement, quantum efficiency, readout noise and background flux; guidance for the popular HgCdTe, PtSi, InSb array is given in [92F2]. Si:Ga arrays with 58 x 62 pixels cover the range 5.. +18 pm [92Gl]. Si:As arrays with 20 x 64 pixels operate in the 2. ~26 pm range [93H]. Larger arrays (128 x 128 Rockwell, 256 x 256 Hughes) have already been developed but are not yet available for general export. Far IR arrays of Ge:Ga (h < 110 pm) and stressed Ge:Ga (a < 240 pm) are reviewed by [92W2].
741. : Objective Prism Speckle Spektroscopy and Wideband Projection Speckle Spectroscopy, in: ES0 Conf. Proc. ), Garching: ES0 (1992) p. 481. : Computer Simulations of Interferometric Imaging with the VI-T Interferometer, in: ES0 Conf. Proc. ), Garching: ES0 (1992) p. 827. : Slit Speckle Spektroscopy, in: ES0 Conf. Proc. ), Garching: ES0 (1992) p. 471. 2 see LB Vi/2a The principles of the instruments have not changed since the last edition. 3 is updated. 3 X- and y-ray satellites Table 2. 40). Code for instrumentation: 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= gas proportional counter scintillation counter solid state detector collecting mirror dispersive spectrometer modulation collimator pin hole camera imaging telescope focal plane image detector 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = polarimeter spark chamber Cerenkov counter gas scintillation proportional counter filter spectroscopy all sky monitor coded mask telescope double Compton telescope Land&-B6mstein New Series Vi/3a Table 2.