By Christian Binek
The booklet offers with chosen glossy facets of artificially layered constructions and bulk fabrics concerning antiferromagnetic long-range order. specified emphasis is laid at the prototypical habit of Ising-type version platforms. They play a vital function within the box of statistical physics and, furthermore, give a contribution to the fundamental figuring out of the alternate bias phenomenon in MBE-grown magnetic heterosystems. through the ebook, specific consciousness is given to the interaction among experimental effects and their theoretical description, starting from the recognized Lee-Yang thought of section transitions to novel mechanisms of trade bias.
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14. Plots of the loci of the Fisher zeros for a 2d Ising system in the complex v plane. The full circles indicate the intersections with the real v axis which belong to the FM and AF transition points, respectively. 5) of two interacting Ising spins. 35) for q = 2 and N = 2. 36). The result is independent from temperature. Hence, the zeros of the partition function of two interacting Ising spins never touch the real axis, in accordance with the absence of a phase transition in finite systems. 2 Zeros of the Partition Function in the Case of First-Order Phase Transitions In their celebrated paper from 1952 Lee and Yang pointed out their amazement about the simplicity and beauty of the circle theorem by two famous quotations.
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