By Shlomo Aloni
Israeli F-15 Eagle devices in wrestle КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Издательство: Osprey Publishing LtdСерия: wrestle plane 67Автор(ы): Shlomo AloniЯзык: EnglishГод издания: 2006Количество страниц: 100ISBN: 1-84603-047-1Формат: pdfРазмер: 15.5 mbRapid eighty five
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Bekkenkamp en F. Dröes, Zoetermeer 1995. The double hermeneutic of Van DijkHemmes consists of an exposing mode of reading ('ontmaskerende leeswijze') next to a liberating mode ('bevrijdende leeswijze'). Bible because of its sexism. 81 Nevertheless I regard the character of her work to be more liberationist than revisionist, since a criticism of ideology that aims at liberation impregnates her writings. In dialogue with Van Dijk-Hemmes since 1985, the work of Athalyah Brenner may also be classified liberationist.
A symbolic hierarchy is set up: God-male-female. Women no longer stand in direct relation to God; they are connected to God secondarily, through the male. 1 0 0 Whether or not this picture corresponds to historical reality remains unclear. The least one can say is that Radford Ruether seems to simplify the issue here in skipping the many biblical examples of women directly relating to God, either in prayer (Hannah for example) or protest (Naomi). Although some elements of her book, such as her hypothesis about the origin of monotheism in nomadic herding societies which were hostile to sedentary life with its female gardening role, are outdated, 101 her main argument about the gender-related niai Publications) (Biblical Scholarship in North America, 10), Chico CA 1985, 41; Brenner, Van Dijk-Hemmes, On Gendering Texts, 167-193.
All these studies, despite differences in approach, stress that it is no longer possible to accept a fundamentalistic use of the Bible to keep women in a subordinate position. Even the 'loyalists', though wanting to respect the authority of the Bible, sought to demonstrate that the Bible does not provide men with an excuse for oppressing women. But in order to achieve this goal, they had to resort to harmonizing and fanciful interpretations. The distinction the revisionists made between a paReligion1 with Yahwism.