By AA. VV.
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Btauer’s defict groupsof blocks [ 31. 2) which generalizes the transfer theorem for modules l * of [ i 4) and DLJohnson’s transfer theorem for cohomatogy of finite /groups [ 171. as well as Brauer’s “first main theorem” for bfoisbs [3, lOBl N For a given finite group G and commutative coefficient ring k, we define ‘“Gfufllctors uver k” (8 6 i -3, i 3). Such a CXunctor Aassigns to each subgroup H of G a k-algebra AH; to each pair H, K (H S;;K) of subgroups of C; it assigns two kmodule homomorphisms and to each subgroup H, and each element g of G, A also assigns a k-algebra isomorphism Ctr,ll!
By induction hypothesis, there exists for each i = 1 q . * m a finite index set Nit and for each &A$ a field K, and a ringhomomorphism @,,i : k/pi + K,* such that TakeN to be the union of the sets (01, N, v . . A&, uvhichwe may assum disjoint. For v = 0, we define KI, = K and #, : k -+K, the inclusion. For vE Ni, define K, as fi 3. Defect bes 59 where we have indicated explicitly the maps used to make the tensor products. 42(b). 43 have immediate applications to G-functors. A) z$(r@k A). 43, .
Of kje& A l1,G of A (; . in the next definition we i&ate these properases, so that u,c shall be able to speak of the defect bm of a k-algebra J$ reiative to a “G-family” CMideals of A. This ON~WSUS to develop some methods for calcufa3tingdefect b;ises. Jkfhithn. Ld A be a k-algebra, G a finite group, and d(G) the set of all seis of subgroups of C. Suppose that (Au ) is a filmily ok‘ideals of A, indexed by \t in S(G). which satisfies the fo;Howingconditions, for till U, 8 in 8(G): CFI +)=A. GF2 11GG’93 implies A ,I c A,.