By William C. Meadows
Winner, a call remarkable educational Book
For many Plains Indians, being a warrior and veteran has lengthy been the conventional pathway to male honor and standing. males and boys shaped army societies to have fun victories in warfare, to accomplish neighborhood provider, and to arrange younger males for his or her position as warriors and hunters. through keeping cultural types contained in track, dance, ritual, language, kinship, economics, naming, and different semireligious ceremonies, those societies have performed an enormous position in retaining Plains Indian tradition from the pre-reservation period until eventually today.
In this ebook, Williams C. Meadows provides an in-depth ethnohistorical survey of Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche army societies, drawn from broad interviews with tribal elders and armed forces society individuals, unpublished archival assets, and linguistic information. He examines their constitution, capabilities, rituals, and martial symbols, displaying how they healthy inside of better tribal businesses. And he explores how army societies, like powwows, became a unique public layout for cultural and ethnic continuity.
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While sympathetic to the problems of native peoples, these works generally ignore native peoples’ ability to perceive, to interpret, to form strategies, and to set goals, portraying them merely as passive recipients of new sociocultural forms dictated by a dominant society. Many current ethnohistorians emphasize Indian-Indian relations in what is known as ‘‘New Indian History’’ (Fowler 1982, 1987; Moore 1987; Kehoe 1989; Foster 1991; White 1991; Dowd 1992). Using a multifield approach, these works place native peoples at the center and seek to understand the reasons for their actions.
This study combines extensive ethnographic fieldwork, archival research, and analysis of symbols to (1) reconstruct the history of KCA military sodalities and demonstrate how they reflect past and present tribal values, particularly through military society rituals; (2) determine the significance of these societies for their respective tribal forms of social organization; (3) show how these groups serve as enculturative and adaptive forms of social organization for the maintenance of a distinct tribal ethos and ethnicity and, later, for identity in a larger, encapsulating society; and (4) delineate ethnohistorically and diachronically the military society symbols embraced by the KCA and how these functioned in social integration and enculturation through time.
Plains men’s military societies visibly promote the common central theme of a warrior tradition—a warrior ideology, which at specific times can be argued to be an ethos. Much of the work of Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Ruth Benedict (Harris 1968 : 393– 448) involved at- Sodalities and Plains Indian Military Societies 9 tempts to define ethos and national character in studies of culture and personality. ’’ Charles Winick (1968 : 193) defines it as ‘‘the totality of the distinctive ways of living that separate one group from another, especially its values.