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By Malla Nunn

The second one in against the law sequence set in 1950's South Africa while apartheid legislation have been first brought.

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Emmanuel pushed ahead. 'Tonight wasn't the first time you'd seen him. ' 'You a cop,' Parthiv said. ' Emmanuel knew he'd pushed too far. ' Parthiv's voice swelled with panic. ' 'I'm not an undercover policeman,' Emmanuel said. Or any other kind of police, he reminded himself. ' Parthiv said. ' The Cadillac sped through the empty streets and zipped past municipal parks with deserted swings and scrappy cricket pitches. They soon arrived at the Point freight yards. A drunk zigzagged along the footpath and a stray dog pawed at the contents of a toppled garbage can.

Just a big silver torch with a broken light and a bottle of lemonade. The entrance to the shipping office was decorated with a painting of Poseidon. He walked in under the curve of the sea god's navel. Six open cubicles manned by a mix of Indian and coloured men took up most of the space. In a glass-fronted office in the back, a busty female in a green suit took dictation from the baas, a white man lounging behind a teak desk. The turbaned Indian who'd slipped away from the crowd was seated at the second cubicle.

Sir' meant the clerks thought he was classified white and wouldn't challenge him. The turbaned man sprang to attention; another demobbed soldier of the empire ready to present arms. 'I have nothing to do with the dead boy, sir. ' 'Saris and All,' Emmanuel said. ' That was the brand stamped along the side of the wooden crate in Giriraj's room, and Maataa had mentioned owning a shop. Two pieces of information that might lead back to the Dutta family. ' The clerk repeated the name, surprised and relieved by the unexpected direction of the conversation.

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