By Sorin Paliga
The 1st half is represented by way of a tentative lexicon of the Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic universal background, in response to the record of Nikolaj Dmitrievič Andreev, with different reviews and additions.
The different smaller dictionaries confer with the fundamental a hundred Slavic roots, the proofs of a velar spirant or laryngeal in Proto-Romanian as a substratum (Thracian) background and a thesaurus of a few simple Lithuanian mythological phrases (in Romanian)
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FoR-nus (> furnus) ‘an oven’ Lith. GaR-úoti ‘to evaporate’ Gr. ThéR-m' ‘heat; temperature’ Arm. _eR-mn ‘heat’ Est. Vär-in ‘fever’ Fin. VäR-ähdys ‘shiver’ • cf. Rom. a pîrli ‘to singe, to scorch’ with the same evolution *Ghw > p (see also above under example 56). Seems related to pururi (adverb) ‘eternally’, initially a noun + the plural mark -uri for the neuter gender. The meaning of *pur- ‘fire’, hence pururi ‘eternal fires’ > ‘eternal (in general) in one of the most interesting semantic evolutions in Romanian, proved also by the probable relationship *pur ‘fire’, pururi ‘eternally, for ever’ – a pîrli ‘to singe, to scorch’.
KÓ-ma (< *KyoXw-mn-) __________________________________________________________________ 51 Lexica Etymologica Minora __________________________________________________________________ Vedic Ç3-ryat' ‘gets withered’ (PIE *NO-y- < *KyXw-ry-) Est. KõH-etu ‘weakened’ (40) Ky-W- ‘dog; to call the dog’ Skr. ÇV-#. ‘a dog’ Äwenki MU-lipkin ‘to tie the dog’ Est. KiU-natama ‘to shout; to yelp’ Ved. Ç#U-vana ‘specific to a dog’ Lith. 3V-ìlpauti ‘to whistle’ • Cf. Rom. u ‘a call for a dog to come; a generic name for dogs’ (see also # 104); a chiui ‘to shout’; a (s)cheuna (about dogs) and a schel"l"i (* sche-la-la-) ‘to yelp, to yap’.
Rom. chin ‘a torment, a pain’; a chinui ‘to torment’, chinuitor ‘painful’. There are many attempts to explain this word, usually held for a Hungarian influence, which is unlikely, if at all acceptable. A Romanian influence in Hungarian is acceptable or, less probably, an independent preservation of an archaic root in both languages. (30) *K-M ‘a swamp, a pool’ Lith. ’ Skr. KaM-andha ‘muddy water’ (31) *G-W- ‘hot; fire’ Skr. JV-ala ‘burning’ (< *GeW) Äwenki GÜ-l ‘to set fire’ Fin. KU-lo ‘fire in the forest’ Old Eng.