By Patrick Blackburn, Marc Dymetman (auth.), Christian Retoré (eds.)
This e-book constitutes the strictly refereed post-conference complaints of the 1st foreign convention on Logical facets of Computational Linguistics, LACL '96, held in Nancy, France in April 1996.
The quantity offers 18 revised complete papers rigorously chosen and reviewed for inclusion within the e-book including 4 invited contributions by means of best gurus and an introductory survey with an in depth bibliography. The papers conceal all suitable logical facets of computational linguistics like logical inference, grammars, logical semantics, common language processing, formal proofs, good judgment programming, variety idea, etc.
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7:5–15, 1999. 59. M. M. Shepherd. Emerging rules for the distributions of active dendritic conductances. Nat. Rev. , 3:362–370, 2002. 60. J. L. Recce. Phase relationship between hippocampal place units and the EEG theta rhythm. Hippocampus, 3:317–330, 1993. ´ 61. G. Orb´ an, T. Kiss, M. Lengyel, and P. Erdi. Hippocampal rhythm generation: gamma-related theta-frequency resonance in CA3 interneurons. Biol. , 84:123–132, 2001. 62. O. I. Moser. A model of hippocampal memory encoding and retrieval: GABAergic control of synaptic plasticity.
For this type of networks it is possible to further distinguish (see Fig. 2): – Horizontal Molecular Networks (HMNs): these are molecular circuits made by molecules embedded and/or associated with the plasma membrane that carry out complex functions of basic importance for informational exchange between the cell and the extracellular environment (L0 level). Hence, HMNs represent the main target of electrotonic and chemical signals present at local circuit level. It should be mentioned that extra cellular chemical signals are usually recognized and decoded by receptors.
Molecular Networks (MN) are assemblies of Ms, single Ns and Cs. A signal is a coded information transmitted along a C. It is possible to distinguish: 40 Luigi Francesco Agnati et al. Fig. 8. , of GPCRs devoid of their own ligand that can interact with GPCR with or without the potential to bind and activate G proteins themselves. For further details, see text. 1. VT-signals. These are diffusible signals (usually small molecules) that move along Cs. 2. WT-signals. , a set of Ns assembled into a M.