By Eli Ginzberg
First released in 1966, Louis Ginzberg: Keeper of the legislation is an strange biography.
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He had great knowledge of Mandaic, which is also called Eastern Aramaic, the lan guage of the Talmud. He also knew his way through all of This Library PDF version is for the use on an institutional computer only. com << Chapter >> Home | TOC | Index GERMAN SCHOLARSHIP AT ITS BEST [ 49 the Semitic languages and literature, not simply as a crafts man, but as an historian, philosopher and artist. He knew how to probe into the souls of these people from the scat tered texts that survived. Interestingly enough, although he devoted his life to a deeper understanding of the civiliza tions of the Fertile Crescent, this was not the culture he admired most.
It was therefore agreed that his aunt would build him up before he set off for the strenuous years of study at Volozhin that lay ahead. As young Louis lived with his aunt, he developed the deepest admiration and affection for Rabbi Raskis. Among his contributions to the education of the young scholar, Rabbi Raskis introduced him to the Palestinian Talmud, which so far was unknown to him. The fact that the Gaon had devoted much of his brilliance to illuminating the Pal estinian Talmud was not sufficient to establish it as a proper field of study in the Yeshivoth.
This included the marriage of an uncle and his niece, although a nephew was not permitted to marry his aunt. Louis’ uncle, Hermann Jaffe, married Louis’ oldest sister, Sarah. This uncle-brotherin-law early developed a marked liking for young Louis. “He was very fond of me, but he was a big tease. When I started to study Talmud, he said he would give me ten kopeks if I would repeat by heart the first page that I had studied. I did this, but when I finished, he said he wouldn’t pay me be cause I had made three mistakes.