By Damon Dean, Andy Cowitt
Your one-stop advisor to 6 nice Macromedia instruments for construction sites
it is like a Web-site-in-a-book! First, there is a few site perception that will help you come to a decision what you will want your website to do. Then it truly is into the nitty-gritty of constructing it take place - development with Dreamweaver, including animation with Flash, allowing collaboration with give a contribution, utilizing ColdFusion to entry databases, and a complete lot extra.
Discover find out how to
- Plan content material in your website
- Use CSS types
- Incorporate types into your pages
- Beef up Flash videos with ActionScript
- Use queries in ColdFusion
- Integrate the entire Macromedia items
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The News Site: A site that, in general, mirrors an offline counterpart, such as ABC News. These sites provide a lot of the same information as their offline counterparts through the use of text, video, audio, and graphics, and also provide services geared toward the online audience, such as chat sessions, newsletters, and personalized content. com. ColdFusion includes tools for adding chat to your site as well. ✦ The Application Site: A type of site that offers perhaps the greatest diversity of all the sites.
Is a picture of a product, or even of your pet ferret, considered content? Figure 2-1: Hmm . . is this content? Choosing and Organizing Content 19 The answer to all these questions is yes. In practical terms, every single thing you put on a Web site is considered content. The fact that everything is content doesn’t really help you get your site organized. Thankfully, while anything can be content, things tend to show up on Web sites in some pretty common formats. As you begin to think about what you want to put on your Web site, you should also consider the different forms that you want that content to take.
The approach here is to give you quick, useful examples of how things work across all these products. In some cases, the examples can be fairly sophisticated. In most cases, though, it’s the basics. Our hope is that you’ll take those basic examples and build your own, more complex ones on top of that, according to the complexity of your site. Macintosh versus Windows Macromedia Studio is both a Windows and a Macintosh product. In this book, you see us use the Windows commands, and the figures all show Windows XP.