By Dieter Biskamp
This booklet offers a accomplished advent to the idea of magnetic box line reconnection, now an incredible topic in plasma physics. Biskamp specializes in many of the reconnection mechanisms dominating magnetic techniques less than the several plasma stipulations encountered in astrophysical structures and in laboratory fusion units. The booklet involves significant components: the 1st bargains with the classical resistive method, whereas the second one provides an outline of weakly collisional or collisionless plasmas. purposes essentially situation astrophysical phenomena and dynamo conception, with emphasis at the sun and geodynamo, in addition to magnetospheric substorms--the such a lot striking reconnection occasions within the magnetospheric plasma. The theoretical approaches and effects additionally practice on to reconnection techniques in laboratory plasmas, particularly the sawtooth phenomenon in tokamaks. The booklet might be of price to graduate scholars and researchers drawn to magnetic techniques either in astrophysical and laboratory plasma physics.
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If this (flat) flux tube contains the flux 0, its helicity is 0 2 (if the field is in the positive twist direction). Now cut the ribbon lengthwise into two ribbons of fluxes 0i and 02, 01 + 02 = 0. , T = 1. Hence the total helicity of this configuration is H = 20102 + 0i + 02> the first term coming from interlinkage, the two others from the individual twists. Thus Hf = 0 2 = H, the helicity of the original twisted ribbon 0. [By the way, cutting a Moebius (T = | ) ribbon lengthwise results in a single ribbon twisted twice (T = 2) with helicity 2(0/2)2 = ±02].
29) with V x S = B(<7 - V • u). 30) Hence flows v satisfying ideal Ohm's law also conserve magnetic topology, as can be seen by choosing a = V • v. However, ideal flows are not the only topology-conserving ones. 31) en where j is the current density. The physical meaning is simply that the magnetic field is convected with the electron velocity \e = v—(j/eri) instead of the plasma velocity v, such that E + \e x B = 0. 32) Hence when the field is convected by u = \e, the topology is not changed. 1), since u need not be the plasma velocity.
At first sight this does not seem to be the case. If we naively reconnect two interlinked field lines, we seem to be able to reach different configurations like those in fig. 10(a) or (b) where, in neither process, is H conserved. This would, however, imply an oversimplification of the concept of field lines, which in a conducting medium are to be viewed as thin flux tubes with an internal structure, the twist. 4 Conservation of magnetic helicity in reconnection (a) (b) Fig. 10. Different ways of reconnecting an unstructured field line.