By V.V. Eremenko, N.F. Kharchenko, Yu.G. Litvinenko, V.M. Naumenko
Certain magnetic fabrics have optical homes that lead them to beautiful for a large choice of functions corresponding to optical switches. This publication describes the physics of 1 category of such magnetooptic fabrics, the insulating antiferromagnets. The authors summarize fresh effects in regards to the constitution, optical houses, spectroscopy, and magnetooptical homes of those fabrics. particularly, they give thought to magnetic part transitions, symmetry results, the linear magnetooptical influence, magnons, spectroscopic learn of spin waves, photoinduced magnetic results, and the consequences of impurities.
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4. Experimental Investigations of the Linear Magneto-Optic Effect 39 Hz) rotation of the magnetic vectors, which becomes substantial at weak Hz due to the low value of the anisotropy energy in the basal plane. It is possible to delay to some extent the process of rotation by means of the field component H-L directed along axis C2 . 8(b) shows the dependencies of (ng - nm) on Hz when L is oriented near the symmetry plane. The qualitative difference in the birefringence behavior is evident. Even at the orientation error of L, equal to about 4 degrees, the even character of the (ng - nm) variations, when Hz changes sign and is close to a zero value of the derivative d(ng - nm}/dHz at point Hz = 0, can be seen.
77) sm Ll H cos 2A cot '1. It is easy to obtain the required degree of circular polarization for a selected part of the spectrum by means of two linear phase plates. At elliptical birefringence, the azimuth of the polarization ellipse axis of the light passing through the plate does not remain constant, as the value of birefringence varies at any azimuth of the incident light polarization. Besides, in magneto-optical experiments, often both the ellipticity and the azimuth of normal light modes vary.
Light Polarization Transformation at Magneto-Optic Effects, and Specific Features of Experimental Methods When studying the magneto-optic effects in crystals experimentally, one inevitably meets with the simultaneous manifestation of the birefringence oflinearly and circularly polarized light [41, 82-84]. As the longitudinal LMOE is allowed symmetrically in many magnetically ordered crystals, the utilization of the longitudinal geometry of experiment, at which light propagates along the magnetic field vector directed along a high-order symmetry axis, does not guarantee the absence of the birefringence of linearly polarized light.