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By Fillmore Earney

Prior to now century, scientists, international statesmen, and overseas marketers became more and more conscious of the opportunity of the oceans as a resource of minerals. This booklet presents an authoritative photograph of the present country of marine mineral extraction. a massive paintings of reference, will probably be crucial interpreting for either these engaged in maritime reviews and for pro enterprises interested by the extraction of underwater minerals. Professor Earney provides an outline of our marine endowment and the way this can be being exploited. He examines current and destiny customers for ocean mining, in particular for the challenging minerals, and considers programmes directed at increasing our skill to use the ocean's mineral wealth. He additionally identifies the industrial, political and technological difficulties which prevent and should even hinder ocean mining, and examines intimately modern political difficulties touching on legislations of the ocean negotiations and the ensuing United countries conference. He experiences our current wisdom of deep seabed minerals and their exploitability, having a look specifically on the continental cabinets and together with analyses of petroleum assets and the real yet frequently neglected placers, building aggregates, business fabrics and sea-water minerals.

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Or is it? In reality, the EEZ concept was not spawned solely from the efforts of UNCLOS III; it has identifiable antecedents. During the past century, many states have developed ‘contiguous zones’23, areas that extend varying distances beyond their outer territorial sea limit, whose purpose is to protect the national integrity of the state from coastal piracy, drug running, smuggling, and illegal immigration. Within the contiguous zone, most states claim the right to place ships’ passengers under quarantine and to detain, search, and seize illegal goods.

Vedder, Subsea Mineral Resources and Problems Related to their Development, USGS Circular 619 (USGS, Washington, DC, 1969), p. 2. equitable policies and in instituting wise management techniques for exploiting marine mineral resources. The ocean basins The oceans have two basic geological areas—a continental region and a deepseabed region. Because we cannot see them directly, it is easy to envision the ocean basins as smoothly uniform and gradually deepening bowl-like structures. Nothing could be further from the truth, because seabed topography is often a mosaic of mountains, canyons, escarpments, and plains.

INTRODUCTION 7 Where the proper sediments, physiographical and petrological conditions occur, hydrocarbons (oil and gas) form and become trapped. 2). The oceans’ most ubiquitous mineral resource is sea-water. In future, sea-water could provide greater quantities of those minerals now extracted from it and others as well, such as uranium. On the continental shelves, the main mineral types are construction aggregates, industrial materials, placers, and hydrocarbons. Miners have long obtained construction materials and hydrocarbons in shallow continental shelf areas, and are now pushing into deeper waters to extract petroleum.

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