By J.-F. Ganghoffer, Franco Pastrone
This moment quantity of the sequence Lecture Notes in utilized and Computational Mechanics is the second one a part of the compendium of reviewed articles offered on the eleventh EUROMECH-MECAMAT convention entitled "Mechanics of microstructured solids: mobile fabrics, fibre bolstered solids and delicate tissues", which came about in Torino (Italy) in March 10-14, 2008, on the Museo neighborhood delle Scienze. This EUROMECH-MECAMAT convention was once together equipped by way of the Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universit? di Torino, Italy and the INPL Institute (LEMTA, Nancy-Universit?, France). Prof. Franco Pastrone and Prof. Jean-Fran?ois Ganghoffer have been the co-chairmen.
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The peak strain also shows strong scaling with relative density. However, it appears that averaging over larger number of realizations is required to extract the power-law scaling exponent. Fig. R. R. Onck Fig. 5 Scaling of peak stress and peak strain for various Ns . 79 (increasing Ns ) 4 Conclusions The damage initiation and accumulation in two-dimensional Voronois is studied using a multi-scale model. The competition between various damaging elements and their role in strain localization by forming a dominant fracture band has been identified.
The various potentials are usually mutually related via Legendre transformations, which prove the adequate mathematical tool to interrelate potentials together with their control variables in a coherent manner. n} of the various species (here synthesized in vector format). -F. Nk wherein the intensive quantities conjugated to the independent extensities have been introduced: the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor Τ ( VF,S, Ν ) , the tem- θ ( VF,S, Ν ), and the chemical potentials μ k ( VF,S, N ) of the species labeled by the index k , each of them being a function of the control variables ( F,S, N ).
The increased number of damage locations now leads to two competing fracture bands. One of these early bands wins over the other; the critical struts in the dominating band continue to damage at an increased rate while those in the other band unload elastically after being partially damaged. This can be seen clearly from the damage evolution curve in the Fig. 3b where the instant of increased damage rate in some set of struts is associated with a zero damage rate in another set of struts. After this stage strain localization occurs only in this band and leads to complete unloading.