By Mark N. Berdichevsky, Vladimir I. Dmitriev
Magnetotellurics is discovering expanding purposes for imaging electrically conductive buildings under the Earth`s floor - in either business and educational study tasks. during this e-book the authors offer a scientific method of realizing the fashionable concept of ill-posed difficulties that is necessary to making convinced significant interpretations of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational soundings. the translation is performed in an interactive manner.
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If I1 = 0 and J12 = 0, then a model has a vertical plane of mirror symmetry of (x, y, z) that passes through the observation point. Following Swift (1967) and Bahr (1988), we use these asymmetry parameters in normalized form. 60) and the Bahr skew is √ skewB = |J12 | = |I3 | Im (Z x y Z¯ yy + Z x x Z¯ yx ) Z x y − Z yx . 61) Note that the parameter skewB differs from √ the asymmetry parameter η initially introduced by Bahr. We have skewB = η/ 2. In the 2D-model, asymmetry parameters skewS and skewB are equal to zero: skewS = 0, skewB = 0 .
Recall that the tensor [D ( r|rB )] was introduced by Doll into the telluric current method about 70 years ago. We will refer it as the Doll tensor. The basic result of a telluric prospecting was given in a map showing effective electric intensity defined as Deff = |det[D ( r|rB )] | . 23) Summing up, we should say some words about stability of the impedance relations. , 1996). The most reliable and stable result can be obtained using the MT-data processing which reinforces the remote reference magnetotellurics with robust statistics.
Thus, the local-regional decomposition can be applied to rather wide class of superimposition models. An important point is that at low frequencies the local-regional decomposition can be significantly simplified (Bahr, 1985). If the skin-depth is much larger than dimensions of near-surface inhomogeneities, we can neglect the local induction and take into account only quasi-static effects caused by excess charges. With this sim˜ are treated as plification, the electric and magnetic distortion matrices, [e] and [h], real-valued and frequency-independent.