By Fred Jeffers
This e-book covers an exceptional number of magnetic phenomena. in reality, i don't believe there's the other form of phenomenon ignored. So the range is not only many adaptations on a subject matter. convinced there are encouraged variariations -- yet on a number of topics. but in addition another phenomena most fogeys do not conceal. The ebook does higher than the video in explaining the magnetic mechanistics. i locate all of it a hundred% available, yet i do know alot approximately magnetism already. If purely i may make sure sufficient history used to be given for the magnetics beginner to appreciate the reasons given, then i might visit the fifth superstar. For the range of diversifications, for the diversity of phenomena, for the encouraged implications, for the remarkable effects which are given motives -- this publication is a gem.
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Example text
Use your imagination! The sizes of the washers and magnet used in this experiment are not critical, either. A washer wants to stand parallel to the local field at the end of the magnet and will stay vertical when placed on the aluminum plate opposite to the magnet, as shown in the second photo. Try it! The washer will readily roll up and down on the aluminum fixture when the magnet is moved, which is not all that surprising. The washers and coat hanger apparatus Washer standing up opposite to the magnet 51 52 Mondo Magnets However, if you then place the washer on the vertical coat hanger, on the side facing the magnet, it will stick to the coat hanger.
Ring magnet hedgehog Hexagonal pattern 33 34 Mondo Magnets The Science Behind It The magnetic fluid in this experiment consists of a stable colloidal suspension (like milk) of tiny, roughly spherical magnetite (Fe3O4) particles. Each particle is only about 10 nm—the equivalent of about 30 atoms— in diameter! The dispersion is so stable that the particles can be subjected to a magnetic field large enough to provide a force more than 10 times that of gravity and resist being pulled out of the liquid.
It will land in the center of the stack of pill magnets, no matter how it’s dropped. The stack of pill magnets will then abruptly jump up and out of the stack of ring magnets and land upright on the edge of the ring magnets. The Science Behind It In this experiment’s setup, it’s necessary to push the small stack of pill magnets into the ring magnets’ hole. The demagnetization field inside the hole in the ring magnets is oriented downward, but the small stack of pill magnets is magnetized upward.