By T. N. Krishnamurti (auth.)
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In his publication, John eco-friendly provides a distinct own perception into the basics of fluid mechanics and atmospheric dynamics. Generations of scholars have benefited from his lectures, and this booklet, a long time within the making, is the results of his broad instructing and study adventure. the idea of fluid movement has constructed to such an quantity that very complicated arithmetic and versions are at present used to explain it, yet a few of the basic effects keep on with from particularly basic issues: those vintage rules are derived the following in a singular, unique, and from time to time even idiosyncratic, method.
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Roy. Meteor. Soe. 95, 258-287. KOTESWARUM, P. (1958), The easterly jet stream in the tropics, Tellus 10,43-57. KRISHNAMURTI, T. N. (1971a), Tropical east-west cireulations during the northern summer, J. Atmos. Sei. 28, 1342-1347. KRISHNAMURTI, T. N. (1971 b), Observational studies of the tropical upper tropospherie motion field during the Northern Hemisphere summer, J. Appl. Meteor. 10, 1066-1096. KRISHNAMURTI, T. N. INS, R. S. (1970), Mid-tropospheric cyclones ofthe southwest monsoon, J. Appl.
The first attempt to apply the spectral method to the investigation of monsoon disturbances was made by ANANTHAKRISHNAN and KESHAVAMURTY (1970). They examined the time series of the wind, rainfall and surface pressure at selected stations all over India for the years 1965 and 1967. Part oftheir results are shown in Fig. 2. In the power spectra of pressure departures, they picked up the peaks around 6 to 8 days Vol. 115, 1977) Spectrum Analysis Relevant to Indian Monsoon 1147 ~ V Z I MAY I JUNE JULY I AUGUST I SEPTEMBER I Figure 1 Daily rainfall (cmjday) along the western coast (Konkan, Coastal Mysore, and Kerala) ofIndia during the summers of 1963 and 1971.
SALTZMAN: B. and SANKAR RAo, M. (1964), Final Report. B. Contract No. CWB-10763. SMAGORINSKY, J. (1953), The dynamieal irifluenee of large seale heat sources and sinks on the quasi-stationary mean motions ofthe atmosphere, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 79, 342-366. STRUNING, J. O. and FLOHN, H. (1969), Investigationson theatmosphere cireulation about Afriea, Meteorologisches Institut der Universitat Bonn, 55 pp. (Heft 10). WALLACE, J. M. (1970), Time-longitudinal seetions oftropical c/oudiness (Dec.