By OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Successive versions of this striking paintings have facilitated overseas exchange in fish and fish items through making on hand a finished resource of specialized info and common wisdom on fish, different marine existence and fish items in advertisement use at the present time. The revised and elevated re-creation comprises over 1,200 entries and new languages reminiscent of Korean. Compiled through the OECD, The Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish items is an important resource of reference for all these operating within the sector of fish, fisheries administration and aquaculture all over the world.
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Voir + REQUIN TIGRE. 156 Fish that have been immersed in + BRINE as a pretreatment to further processing. Poisson qui a e´te´ trempe´ dans une + SAUMURE envued’un traitement ulte´rieur. BROOK CHARR Also called + BROOK TROUT, see also + CHARR. 157 153 BRISLING DAN: DUT: FIN: GER: GRE: ICE: ITA: NOR: POL: POR: RUS: SCC: SCR: SPA: SWE: TUR: Brisling Sprot Kilohaili Sprotte Sardella Brislingur Papalina Brisling Szprot Espadilha Шпрот, килька Papalina, saraga Papalina Espadin Skarpsill, vassbuk Çaça-platika BROOK TROUT BRISLING DAN: DUT: FIN: GER: ICE: ITA: JPN: KOR: NOR: POL: POR: RUS: SCC: SCR: SWE: TUR: MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS – © OECD 2008 SAUMON DE FONTAINE Kildeørred Bronforel Puronieriä Bachsaibling Lindableikja Salmerino di fontana Kawamasu 민물송어, minmulsongeo Bekkeror, bekkerøyr Pstrąg źródlany Truta-das-fontes Американская палия, американский голец Potočna pastrmka; potočna zlatovčica Kanadska pastrva barjaktarica Amerikansk bäckröding Alalbaik türü 31 158 – BROWN ALGAE/ALGUE BRUNE Salvelinus fontinalis (Freshwater/Atlantic-Europe/ N.
Micromesistius poutassou or/ou Gadus poutassou (a) (Atlantic/Mediterranean Europe/N. America) Also called COUCH‘S WHITING. (Atlantique/Me´diterrane´e Europe/Ame´rique du Nord) Micromesistius australis (b) + SOUTHERN BLUE WHITING (New Zealand/S. America) Also called SOUTHERN POUTASSOU. (MERLAN BLEU DU SUD) (Nouvelle-Ze´lande/Ame´rique du Sud) Nom ge´ne´ralement utilise´ pour + POUTASSOU. MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS – © OECD 2008 123 – BONED FISH/POISSON DE´SAREˆTE´ Trade name generally used for + POUTASSOU.
Appele´ aussi POISSONCASTOR. ) Also called FRESHWATER DOGFISH or GRINDLE. (Atlantique Nord) BOXED STOWAGE DAN: DUT: FIN: GER: ICE: ITA: JPN: NOR: POL: POR: RUS: SPA: SWE: TUR: STOCKAGE EN CAISSES Isning i kasser Vis in kisten aangevoerd Merellä jäitetty kala Kistenware Kassaður fiskur Stivaggio in cassette Hakozume hyõzõ Kassepakket fisk Ryba składowana w pojemnikach z lodem Armazenagem em caixas Хранение рыбы в коробках со льдом Conservación en cajas Packad och isad i lådor ombord Buza koyma Stowage at sea boxes, white fish mixed with ice, and in good practice, additional ice is placed above and below the fish in the box.