By Bobby Fischer
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31 ƒxc6 †xc6 32 Èxd4 …xd4! 33 …xd4 ƒc8 34 …e1 ƒb7 (threatens mate on h1) 35 ‡f1 ƒc5 36 ƒe3 ƒxd4 37 ƒxd4 …d8 and wins (38 ƒe3 †h1+ 39 ‡g1 ƒa6+ or 39 ‡e2 ƒf3+), or if 36 e6+ ‡g6 37 ƒe3 …e8. d4! EK: “This well-timed advance of the d-pawn gives Black a winning position... The move opens the diagonal for the black † and queen’s ƒ. ƒc5. ” 30 ƒxc6 EK did not analyse 30 cxd4 in any detail but his view that Black wins is correct. cxd4! when: a) 31 Èxd4? g. 33 …xd4 ƒc5 34 …fd1 …d8 35 ƒf1 …xd4 36 …xd4 ƒb3 when White has absolutely no moves (37 †e3?
A6 line being played before that was understood. Instead 9 Èh4 ƒc2 10 †d2 Èe4 was better for Black in the stem game Morrison-Geo. Marechal, Toronto 1924. 9 †e2 was also seen in various games in the 1930s. ƒd6 10 †e2 Èbd5 11 f3! †c7 12 e4 Èxc3 13 bxc3 ƒg6 14 ƒa3 ƒxa3 15 …xa3 0–0 16 Èd3! had favoured White in BogoljubowPirc, Bled 1931. 10 †e2 0–0 11 e4 ƒg6 12 …d1 †a5 13 ƒg5! This is sharper than 13 ƒb3 as Bogoljubow had recommended. Èfd5 16 ƒxe7 …xe7 17 Èe4 Èb6 18 ƒb3 …d8 19 †g4‹ Flohr-Chodera, Prague 1931) 16 Èe4!
Xe5 19 †d8+ ‡f7 20 ‡e2. Èe7 16 †d2 c4 47 17 ƒc2 dxe4 18 Èg5 Èc5 19 †d4 b6 20 …xf8+ †xf8 21 ƒxe4 …b8 and now instead of 22 …f1, more useful is 22 ƒc2!? ƒa6. exd5? 19 †xd5+ Èf7 20 ƒc4. 17 …xf8+ ‡xf8 18 ƒxe5 This is good enough but not best. After 18 exd5 exd5 19 ƒb5! e. d4) 20 †e2. ‡g8 20 …f1 †g7 21 exd5 ƒd7 22 ƒc4ˆ. †xd5 is no better, there could follow 21 ƒe4 †d7 22 …f1. 21 †f2! White has threats of …e1, †xc5+ and †h4+. Black finds a move to stave these off for the moment, but the white initiative has grown too strong.