By DuBois P.
MySQL Cookbook offers a special problem-and-solution structure that gives sensible examples for daily programming dilemmas. for each challenge addressed within the e-book, there is a worked-out resolution or "recipe" - brief, concentrated items of code so you might insert at once into your functions. greater than a suite of cut-and-paste code, this publication clarification how and why the code works, so that you can discover ways to adapt the options to comparable occasions.
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Out cookbook To control session logging from within mysql, use \T and \t to turn tee output on and off. out' mysql> \t Outfile disabled. A tee file contains the queries you enter as well as the output from those queries, so it's a convenient way to keep a complete record of them. It's useful, for example, when you want to print or mail a session or parts of it, or for capturing query output to include as an example in a document. It's also a good way to try out queries to make sure you have the syntax correct before putting them in a script file; you can create the script from the tee file later by editing it to remove everything except those queries you want to keep.
Otherwise, you can hit Tab again to see the possible matches. • Enter additional characters and hit Tab again once to complete it or twice to see the new set of matches. mysql's name auto-completion capability is based on the table names in the current database, and thus is unavailable within a mysql session until a database has been selected, either on the command line or by means of a USE statement. Auto-completion allows you to cut down the amount of typing you do. However, if you don't use this feature, reading name-completion information from the MySQL server may be counterproductive because it can cause mysql to start up more slowly when you have a lot of tables in your database.
The following examples show how to set the PATH variable so that it includes the directory where the mysql program is installed. The examples assume there is an existing PATH setting in one of your startup files. If you have no PATH setting currently, simply add the appropriate line or lines to one of the files. If you're reading this section because you've been referred here from another chapter, you'll probably be more interested in changing some variable other than PATH. The instructions are similar because you use the same syntax.