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For each of the options, the sequence is returned in FASTA format, with the nucleotide coordinates being given in the definition line. Transcript returns the sequence of the entire transcript, with exons shown in upper-case letters. 5 48 supplement to nature genetics • september 2002 user’s guide Question 8 How can one find all the members of a human gene family? gene. uk/nomenclature/) has been working to develop a unique symbol, as well as a longer and more descriptive name, for each human gene.
Com/naturegenetics A user wishes to find all the single nucleotide polymorphisms that lie between two sequence-tagged sites. Do any of these single nucleotide polymorphisms fall within the coding region of a gene? Where can any additional information about the function of these genes be found? gov/SNP. There is a series of links on the page that allow the user to search using either information about the database submission itself or information regarding genes and gene loci. For this particular search, assume that the region of interest is known and defined by two STS markers, RH70674 and G32133.
8). 8% identical to the genomic sequence; clicking anywhere on the hyperlinked line in the section marked EST/Genomic Alignments returns the actual side-by-side alignment (Fig. 9). Differences exist at the ends of the EST, but the sequences are identical in the region surrounding the putative missing exon. An alternatively spliced mRNA is more likely to be of biological significance when it changes the sequence of the encoded, wildtype protein. To determine whether EST BE798864 could encode a protein different from that of the known gene (RAB9P40), one can simply compare the two sequences directly against each other using the NCBI’s BLAST 2 Sequences tool.