By Hans Josef Rath, Carsten Holze, Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Rolf Henke, Heinz Hönlinger
This quantity collects contributions to the 14th Symposium of the STAB (German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association). The organization contains German scientists and engineers from universities, study institutions and who're doing examine and undertaking paintings in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, in general for aerospace yet for different purposes, too. the amount supplies a large evaluation of ongoing paintings in Germany during this box.
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507-660. [3] E. Ozger: "Abschwachimg des Wirbelnachlaufs von Flugzeugen mit HUfe von Finnen". VDI Verlag Diisseldorf 2001 (Dissertation RWTH Aachen, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 7, Nr. 422) [4] E. Ozger: "On the Structure and Attenuation of an Aircraft Wake". J. Aircraft 38, Nr. 5, 2001, pp. 878-887 38 S. Kauertz, G. Neiiwerth, and R. \v ' i \ v . 0, ep = +20° 39 S. Kauertz, G. Neiiwerth, and R. 151,. - a: ' - B - ' - V „ . ici.... 1 h Tip Vortix Csntsrs 0 ca. 00 Flap Vortex Centers 0 ca. 1 Figure 7 Positions of vortex centers at 4 spans distance Application of the PSP technique in low speed wind tunnels U.
Fig. 9: DFS-8°/32°. 0. Fig. 5. : •! 4 •{ :>:; I. 9 • I > -1 i: Fig. 10: DFS-8732°. 5. Fig. 5. Investigations on the Influence of Fins on the Extended Nearfield of a Wing in High-Lift Configuration Sebastian Kauertz, Gunther Neuwerth and Robert SchoU Institut fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, RWTH Aachen, WiiUnerstr. de Summary This work presents results obtained from PIV measurements done in the walce of a swept and tapered transport-type aircraft wing model. The measurements are conducted in a water tunnel up to 4 spans behind the model.
De Summary This work presents results obtained from PIV measurements done in the walce of a swept and tapered transport-type aircraft wing model. The measurements are conducted in a water tunnel up to 4 spans behind the model. A fin is mounted on the upper side of the wing just in front of the outer flap edge. The influence of this fin on the structure of the vortex wake and the hazard posed to a following aircraft is investigated. The fin alters the structure of the vortices which may lead to an accelerated decay further downstream.