By Cameron Tropea, Suad Jakirlic, Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Rolf Henke, Heinz Hönlinger
This quantity good points the contributions to the fifteenth Symposium of the STAB (German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association). Papers offer a wide evaluation of ongoing paintings in Germany, together with excessive element ratio wings, low element ratio wings, bluff our bodies, laminar movement regulate and transition, lively circulate keep watch over, hypersonic flows, aeroelasticity, aeroacoustics, mathematical basics, numerical simulations, actual basics, and amenities.
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6, 22 F. Zurheide and W. Schr¨oder The development of the vorticity components as a function of time t∗ is evidenced in fig. 6(c). The component Ωx remains nearly constant until the interaction of the two vortices causes a decrease of circulation. The other components show a behavior comparable to that of the short-wave instability. That is, the oscillations dissipate and then the instabilities grow, however, at a much smaller rate. The mean kinetic energy spectrum Ec∗k in fig. 6(d) shows mainly the growth of the lowest mode, while the increase of the instabilities at higher modes is saturated at a low level.
Case I: Temporal development of short-wave instability of a two-vortex system. 8 . In fig. 2 the decay of vorticity is compared with numerical results from Laporte and Corjon [10] and experimental results from Leweke and Williamson [11] that were based on a slightly higher Reynolds number ReΓ = 2660. The present LES findings show a good agreement with the experimental results. 2 Crow Instability (Case II ) To simulate the Crow instability parameters given in table 1 are used. 1 and were linearly dependent on the tangential velocity of the vortices [7].
Schewe, Ref. [2]) Exp. (Schewe, Ref. 5 St [−] Fig. 3. Time histories of lift, drag and moment coefficients (left) and moment power spectral density (right), resulting from the DES computation 40 C. Mannini et al. It can be observed that, despite the DES computation being based on the S-A turbulence model, the resulting flow field is unsteady. In addition, the calculated time-signals of aerodynamic forces are not periodic, as in the case of URANS simulations, since finer flow features can be resolved with the DES approach.