By Lawrence Cortesi
WW2 precise tale
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A toast to the success of our mission. " THE SUN BURST IN A HUGE LAVENDER ball on the morning February 26, 1943. Its rays slanted through the emerging day like purple tentacles. They reached out across the sky to touch the horseshoe-shaped Rabaul Range that cupped the huge base and its twin harbors in a protective semi-circle. Within the range's bowl, the flood of early sunlight had covered with a hue of pink the array of small buildings in of 44 /OPERATION BISMARCK SEA BISMARCK SEA Kokoda Buna Dobodura Port Moresby Map 2: Proposed route of Admiral Kimura's Lae Resupply Convoy.
However, the Americans held the island more firmly now than at any time since the initial marine landings in August of 1942. Further, Adachi's request would require a huge convoy. Could the Japanese navy carry such a convoy safely to Lae, and could the air force protect the convoy against air attacks? The staff officers fell into small groups to discuss the merits of reinforcing New Guinea on this large scale. Some argued that a large convoy might suffer heavy damage when it entered Huon Gulf and came into range of light and medium Allied bombers.
The 3rd Group airmen merely practiced now and then to keep sharp. 90th and 89th Squadron crews, with other Fifth Air Force units, reverted to the routine of attacking the Japanese bases of Lae, Madang, and Wewak along New Guinea's northern coast. Sometimes the alonji American airmen returned with good results and sometimes came back with poc:- results— normal for the New Guinea air campaign. Then, during the last week in February, 1943, General Ennis Whitehead received an intelligence report from they Aussie jungle watchers in New Britain: Something big in the wind at Rabaul.