Oracle COM Automation characteristic Developer's consultant is meant for builders who increase suggestions that use COM.To use this rfile, you wish familiarity with:■ part item version (COM)■ item Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation■ based question Language (SQL)■ info Definition Language (DDL)■ information Manipulation Language (DML)■ PL/SQL or Java■ Oracle object-relational database administration (ORDBMS) concepts■ home windows NT"
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Action: You must start the OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener service from the Control Panel or the command prompt. To start Oracle services from the Control Panel: 1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears. 2. Double-click Services. The Services dialog box appears. 3. Find OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener in the list and verify that it has a status of Started. If it does not, select it and click Start. To start Oracle services from the command prompt: Enter the following command to start an Oracle service at the command prompt: C:\> net start service where service is a specific service name, such as OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener.
COMException Data Members hresult is an HRESULT value as defined by the Windows API. errmsg is the textual representation of HRESULT in the appropriate language. source is the source of the exception, typically the application name. description is the error description. helpfile is the fully-qualified path name of the helpfile containing more information about the error. helpid is the help context ID of a topic within the helpfile specified by helpfile. excepInfo if true, then HRESULT has the value DISP_E_EXCEPTION, and source, description, helpfile, and helpid contain more information.
DestroyObject(applicationToken); GetLastError Obtains the COM Automation error information about the last error that occurred. Syntax FUNCTION GetLastError(source OUT VARCHAR2, description OUT VARCHAR2, helpfile OUT VARCHAR2, helpid OUT BINARY_INTEGER) RETURN BINARY_INTEGER; where: source 3-12 is the source of the error information. If specified, it must be a local CHAR or VARCHAR variable. The return value is truncated to fit the local variable if necessary. Oracle COM Automation Feature Developer’s Guide PL/SQL APIs description is the description of the error.