By Laʼu, Yiśraʼel Meʼir; Laʼu, Yiśraʼel Meʼir; Wiesel, Elie; Schmidt, Shira Leibowitz; Laʼu, Yiśraʼel Meʼir; Setbon, Jessica; Peres, Shimon
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Rabbi Schor’s only daughter, Margala, married Rabbi Ya’akov Shimshon Shapira, and their son Rabbi Meir Shapira became well known as the rabbi of Lublin, founder of the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva, and, most important, founder of the Daf Yomi (daily page) system of Talmud study. The Talmud comprises more than 2,700 pages of text and is divided into tractates, some of which are studied more frequently than others. In Vienna in 1923, at the second conference of Agudath Israel, an organization of Orthodox Jews, Rabbi Meir Shapira proposed that, just as Jewish communities throughout the world read the same exact portion of the Torah each week, thus completing the entire Torah in one year, so, too, should scholars and laymen in every community throughout the globe study the same page of Talmud daily.
In the film, Feodor recounts that, every day, the Jewish boy had to clean the entire block, the courtyard, and the toilets in order to earn his bread ration. Feodor and his companions used to get up at five every morning in order to do the boy’s cleaning job. He explained, “The boy has no parents. ” On November 27, 2008, I was privileged to host Yulia and Yelena at my home in Tel Aviv. They had traveled to Israel from Russia, for the first time in their lives, to have dinner in our home and to visit Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
Following their usual organized procedure, they directed men to one group of cars and women and children to another group of cars. The maikeh clubs, the whistles, and the dogs helped them carry out the operation. Within a few short seconds, my mother realized what this separation meant. In another moment, I would be entering the car with her, so she made an instantaneous decision. With the pillow on my shoulders separating us, she grasped my back with both hands and shoved me in the direction of the men.