By Leonid I. Brezhnev
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This was unexpected because until then there had been only reconnaissance men from other units in these places. One of the officers—he was Brezhnev—recognised Yurkin, embraced him, and said, "They thought you were killed. " Raikunov reported to Colonel General Ivan Petrov, the front commander, that his company had carried out its assignment. Petrov at once ordered all the men to be decorated with battle orders. The 18th Task Army fought its way to the Kerch Strait, liberated Taman, and accomplished yet another feat: landing a strong task force in the Crimea.
Yes, Comrade Colonel. I did fight in these parts. " Parshin led them to an old overgrown trench. " He pointed to a hillock and added, " T h a t was the dugout of the company commander. " Brezhnev heartily shook hands with the old machine-gunner and 46 Leonid I. Brezhnev thanked him. He saw to it that the 18th Army took the experience of the veterans into account, especially in training reinforcements. However hard the fighting, raw troops were not, as a rule, sent into battle at once. They underwent combat training and toughening near the line of fire, outside the range of enemy artillery, learning the fighting traditions of their unit and getting advice from experienced men.
Men who fought in this battle recall that he was at the front of an infantry regiment. When he was asked for the details, he confined himself to the words " I t was hard". 2. In the N o v o r o s s i i s k Area The fascist forces, which had suffered a crushing defeat at Moscow and were unable to make any headway towards Leningrad, continued to advance towards the south. Savage fighting for the Caucasus began in the summer of 1942 simultaneously with the historic battle for Stalingrad, which had been reached by the German forces at the close of J u n e .