By Yury Lapshun
Do you want to shock your opponent at the first circulation? Do you take pleasure in taking part in creatively from the start of the sport? glance no additional than 1 b4! With this competitive pawn lunge White takes the sport into particularly unknown territory and forces Black avid gamers onto their very own devices.
In this landmark e-book, Yury Lapshun and Nick Conticello take an in-depth examine 1 b4. The authors offer a pragmatic and fun-to-play repertoire for White, delivering ideas opposed to all of Black’s major chances. learn this publication and confound your rivals with 1 b4!
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Vantage in this com plica ted position. 13 ... l'e3 e4 24 Ifles g4! I�ight on time! White lands a strong Wih4 'iWxM 30 gxM I;)g6. acl Itlc7 18 a4 l:ad8 19 1tlc4 Itld5 is a good alternative. , optimally! Black should play 19 .. l::ad8, blow in the fight for the centre. Iof6 17 g3 and preparing to open up a diagonal mous example of b2-b4 in the Reti dxc5 dxc4 23 cxb6 'ilI'xb6 24 'iWel lIxdl for the g7-bishop. Opening. 'f4 hS numerous times by many strong play equality. 17 d4!? looks like the righ t idea, as all of White's pieces are ready for the and here 20 llle3 Itlf6 21 I:ael dS 22 complications after this push.
White's well-placed pieces and a 27 il'xb6 22 f4! with fence. 31. llf8! was pOSSible, because 32 1B_cxd4 19 e4 ttlxg3 20 hxg3 fS 21 exfs �gS d4 knight, placing the rook on the c-file •.. e7 6 c4 dS?! It's perhaps too early for Black to because: 1) His pieces occupy great positions; and 95 Queen 's Indian Sys tems Play 1 b 4 ! 2) There are two weaknesses on the c-fiIe that are under attack: c6 and c7. I believe these advantages should be enough for White to win. game after 29. lIxc6 3 0 bxc6 Wf8 31 bishop, just like in his favourite King's �xdS lild8 32 Wf1 We7 33 We2 Wd6 34 Indian Defence.
Be too troublesome for the Sokol sky specialist. White·s early capture of queenside space will give him an im portant lead in the standard pawn races seen in many King's Indian games. In some lines it's worth considering castling long for White, as a way of hiding the king from the opponent's attack or even as a prelude to counterpunching on the Cha pter Four kingside (see Games 27-28). 1 b4 1llf6 I Queen's I n d i a n Systems l . e5 2 Ji.. b2 2 ... I'e7 - Game 25 2 ... d6 3 c4 3... e7 - Game 20; 3...