By Michael Basman
Довольно интересная книга, описывающая начало "Св. Георгия".
Почему начало Св. Георгия? Интересная история. Применив данное начало, англичанин в 1980 г. выиграл самого Карпова. Это второй случай в истории, когда англичанин взял верх над чемпионом мира. В приступе экстаза английские журналисты окрестили дебют в столь пафосной манере.
Язык - английский.
Качество - сносное (текст - копируемый, а вот диаграммки оставляют желать лучшего...).
Играли же люди когда-то в шахматы... Ни тебе туалетных скандалов, ни Дип-блю всяких...
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17 18 19 20 21 22 ... Rd1 Qc4 Qc1 a4 Kf2 Rf8 Qe7 Na5 Nc6 Rc8 Black begins a furious counter attack. Unfortunately, Short rumbles that he is a rook ahead. Black is further hampered by being unable to play ... f4 because of Ne4. 26 27 28 29 Ke1 Bh6 Qc1 Rd2 Qxb5 Rf7 Ba6 Qb8 The rest of the game was unrecorded due to Black's time trouble, but White won with his extra piece and better position. G. Sax (GM)-M. Basman, Surrey Open, 1980 1 e4 2 d4 e6 a6 3 4 5 6 7 8 b5 axb5 Bb7 Bb4 Qh4 + Qh5 c4 cxb5 Bxb5 Nc3 f3 g3 Hoping to force a concession from White with this attack on the e-pawn, but White blithely returns material to force a total blockade on the black squares.
Rd1 Qc4 Qc1 a4 Kf2 Rf8 Qe7 Na5 Nc6 Rc8 Black begins a furious counter attack. Unfortunately, Short rumbles that he is a rook ahead. Black is further hampered by being unable to play ... f4 because of Ne4. 26 27 28 29 Ke1 Bh6 Qc1 Rd2 Qxb5 Rf7 Ba6 Qb8 The rest of the game was unrecorded due to Black's time trouble, but White won with his extra piece and better position. G. Sax (GM)-M. Basman, Surrey Open, 1980 1 e4 2 d4 e6 a6 3 4 5 6 7 8 b5 axb5 Bb7 Bb4 Qh4 + Qh5 c4 cxb5 Bxb5 Nc3 f3 g3 Hoping to force a concession from White with this attack on the e-pawn, but White blithely returns material to force a total blockade on the black squares.
20 ... 21 Nxf6 Rg8 Rg7 Qf4 Nd1 h4! Ne8 Nc7 b4 Qb5 Rg6 f6 The itinerant knight has so far caused havoc in Black's defences, but is now about to be lassooed. 26 ... Qb8! Intending to answer 27 Nxe6! by ... Bd6! or ... Qg8! Back row defence! 27 d5 White keeps on coming but there is no threat of 28 dxe6 dxe6 29 Nxe6 because of ... Qg8, with a double attack on the knight at e6 and the pawn at g2. 27 ... 28 d6 Bb7 Bf8 Black's counter play mounts. White's knight at c7 is cut off and the d6 pawn in danger.