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The bolted attachment alone could consume years of research if examined in detail, yet the support conditions may be more important to the overall performance of the channel section. Therefore 37 Copy issued for: Sherif Semida a determination must be made regarding the appropriate boundary conditions and loads. If historical data exists, it should be used to aid in this determination, and if used, be certain that you have a clear understanding of its relevance to the current project so that you can offer an intelligent response to questions regarding its use.
At the same time the number of elements (number of nodes) affects the computation time. That is the reason why in certain cases a 2D and 1D mesh is preferred over 3D mesh. For example in sheet metals a 2D approximation of the structure will use much less elements and thus reduces the CPU time (which is the time while you are desperately waiting for your results) 32 Copy issued for: Sherif Semida See the picture above for structures that are typically meshed with 1D, 2D and 3D elements. Which element type would you choose for which part?
For example, it is very easy to increase the thickness of the parts showing a higher stress, or to suggest that high strength (costly) material should be used, or to suggest geometry modifications without considering the manufacturing constraints. Sometimes CAE engineers are adamant about their proposals and are not willing to carry out further iterations as per suggestions from the design or manufacturing engineer. CAE Marketing Engineers : 1) Accepting jobs beyond their capabilities: Sometimes marketing engineers accept jobs just because it is from a reputed company or because the volume of work is very large, without giving due consideration to the capabilities and limitations of their technical team and available software / hardware.