By Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
This ebook demonstrates how NMR rest will be utilized for structural diagnostics of chemical substances, acceptance of susceptible intermolecular interactions, determinations of internuclear distances and lengths of chemical bonds while compounds lower than research can exist merely in recommendations.
- Written as a textbook for chemists, not easy little heritage in physics and NMR
- Its functional process is helping the reader to use the options within the lab
- First e-book to coach NMR leisure innovations to chemists
Chapter 1 How and Why Nuclei sit back (pages 1–18):
Chapter 2 the way to degree NMR rest occasions (pages 19–29):
Chapter three blunders in Determinations of rest occasions (pages 31–42):
Chapter four NMR leisure by means of Dipole–Dipole and Quadrupole Interactions (pages 43–58):
Chapter five leisure by way of Chemical Shift Anisotropy, Spin–Rotation leisure, Scalar rest of the second one type and Cross?Mechanisms (pages 59–68):
Chapter 6 Nuclear rest in Molecular structures with Anisotropic Motions (pages 69–80):
Chapter 7 1H T1 leisure Diagnostics in answer (pages 81–95):
Chapter eight Internuclear Distances from 1H T1 rest Measurements in resolution (pages 97–121):
Chapter nine Deuterium Quadrupole Coupling Constants from 2H T1 leisure Measurements in answer (pages 123–137):
Chapter 10 Spin – Lattice 1H and 2H rest in cellular teams (pages 139–154):
Chapter eleven leisure of Nuclei except 1H and 2H and particular rest Experiments (pages 155–177):
Chapter 12 Paramagnetic NMR leisure (pages 179–195):
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B. Lambert, F. G. Riddel. The Multinuclear Approach to NMR Spectroscopy. Reidel: Boston, 1982. 5. R. K. Harris. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Bath Press: Avon, 1983. 6. N. D. Martin, M. H. Issa, R. A. McIntyre, A. A. Rodriguez. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000; 104: 11278. 7. V. I. Bakhmutov, E. V. Vorontsov. Reviews of Inorganic Chemistry 1998; 18: 183. 8. G. H. Penner, Y. C. Chang, J. Hutzal. Inorganic Chemistry 1999; 38: 2868. 9. L. Sturz, A. Dolle. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001; 105: 5055.
A. Rodriguez. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000; 104: 11278. 7. V. I. Bakhmutov, E. V. Vorontsov. Reviews of Inorganic Chemistry 1998; 18: 183. 8. G. H. Penner, Y. C. Chang, J. Hutzal. Inorganic Chemistry 1999; 38: 2868. 9. L. Sturz, A. Dolle. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001; 105: 5055. 10. C. Rossi. Chemical Physics Letters 1992; 193: 553. 5 Exponential and Non-exponential Nuclear Relaxation Measurements of Spin–Lattice Relaxation Times Measurements of Selective and Biselective T1 Times Determination of T1ρ and T2 Preparation of Samples for Relaxation Experiments Bibliography 20 20 24 27 28 29 The hardware and software of modern commercial FT NMR spectrometers provide simple and convenient procedures for measurement of relaxation times.
8. V. I. Bakhmutov, E. V. Vorontsov, G. I. Nikonov, D. A. Lemenovskii. Inorganic Chemistry 1998; 37: 279. 9. N. V. Belkova, P. O. Revin, L. Epstein, E. V. Vorontsov, V. I. Bakhmutov, E. S. Shubina, E. Collange, R. Poli. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003; 125: 11106. 2 Evaluations of the Dipolar Contributions from Selective and Nonselective T1 Times Intermolecular Dipole–Dipole Interactions Electric Field Gradients at Quadrupolar Nuclei Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constant as Measure of the Electric Field Gradient Quadrupole Relaxation Bibliography 44 48 48 52 53 53 54 56 57 The fluctuating magnetic fields, causing nuclear relaxation, are created in a sample by dipole–dipole, quadrupole, spin-rotation, scalar and chemical shift anisotropy interactions.