By Eva Hajicová, Marie Tesitelová, Ján Horecký
Comprises 14 papers via Czech experts in mathematical linguistics and is split into elements: contributions on quantitative linguistics and people dedicated to formal description of typical language. at the evaluate of quantitative facts, consciousness is paid to semantic quantitative research.
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The interval of attribute oscillates in case of the 10 adjectives from 100% to 89%. 86% and the last adjective, vyznamny (7), is used as attribute inly in 89%; this adjective can be relatively often found also in the syn tactic function of predicate complement or of nominal part of at tribute, cf. ten podnik je vyznamny 'this enterprise is signifi cant' . 12% (only with the adjective vyznam ny). We see that the adjective vyznamny (7) differs from the other adjectives in this group and has the following distribution of syntactic functions: attribute ..........
18 2. 48 3. 55 5. 88 4. 57 4. 00 + 1 . G D — 43 44 Helena Confortiová Table 11 - ekonomický Sg. in % (9) Rank P1. 77 + 2. 73 + 1 . 92 + 1 . 42 + 6. 13 + 6. 4. 50 + 3. 25 5. 00 5. + 4. 00 Table 12 - kulturní N 3. (10) Sg. 66 2. P1. in % Rank 2. 28 + 1 . 44. 78 + D 3. 73 + 6. 97 + 6. 5. 11 94 4. 3. 1 3 . 43 + 3. + 5. 00 1 . On the Problems of the Semantics of Czech Adjectives Graphs la - 6b - Occurrence of cases Note: Average occurrence of all adjectives in non-fiction style is marked by a dashed line.
G. přiměli jeho nezávislost did not exist', nás chválí by agriculturists3 urgend them, on the contrary, simply zemědělci 'today, for and naopak 'on the contrary3 ¿e naopak hledání lepěího to search for a better prostě napríklad 'for example, introduc řešení ' they solution'. 2. 24%). Out of them 20 terms occur in this position with a fre quency of 50% - 100% of their individual occurrences, 10 terms with a frequency of 20% - 50% and 5 terms with a frequency below 20%. As this analysis is based on a computer-processed text material we had the opportunity to examine every term within the frame of the sen tence in which it occurred and we tried to classify the terms with re gard to their real functions they perform in sentence and in text.